Head of CREAB
Yanxia Hou-Broutin Biography
Molecular Systems and Nanomaterials for Energy and Health (SyMMES)
Chemistry for the Recognition and Study of Biological Assemblies (CREAB) CEA-Grenoble 17 avenue des Martyrs 38 054 Grenoble cedex 9 Phone: +33 4 38 78 94 78 |
The CREAB team develops its research activities at the interface between physics-chemistry-biology with two principal axes:
1/ the conception, the development and the use of biosensors and/or biochips for the analysis of interactions from the molecular scale up to more complex biological objects such as cells or bacteria in view of applications in the field of health technologies.
2/ the conception, the development and the use of bio-inspired and bio-hybrid architectures using biopolymers like DNA and its analogues, DNA origamis, etc. Those building blocks are used as glue or mortar for the structuration of complex architectures with applications beyond health technologies in fields like communication and information technologies (masks for the nanolithography, functional materials, deterministic positioning of nanoparticles and nanowires for plasmonics, photonics or micro-electronics).
BIOMADE plateform
oligonucleotide synthesizer The team takes advantage of its competences (surface chemistry, analytical chemistry, organic chemistry, biochemistry, electrochemistry, microbiology, cell biology, biophysics, instrumentation…) and also strong collaborations with biologists (Institute for Advanced Biology, Structural Biology Institute, Vision Institute, Gustave Roussy Institute…) on one side and technologists (LASS Toulouse, LETI Grenoble…) on the other side.