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Rodrigo Newell awarded by the Société Chimique de France

​Rodrigo Newell has received an award by the Société Chimique de France (SCF - Subdivision Electrochimie) within the framework of his master project conducted at the STEP team under the supervision of Dr. Aradilla.

Published on 11 September 2017

The prize is a recognition for his work dealing with the development of high performance supercapacitors for low temperature applications, which is an important advance in the fields of aeronautic or aerospace industry among others. The promising results obtained in this project, in a tight collaboration with an industrial partner (IOLITEC, Ionic Liquids Technologies GmbH, Germany), have demonstrated the enormous potential of innovative ionic liquid-based electrolytes to take up such challenges. Consequently, graphene supercapacitors were able to operate at extreme working temperatures (down to -60°C) maintaining an excellent electrochemical response in terms of energy, power density as well as an extraordinary lifetime.

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