• Post-doctoral associate: CEA-Grenoble, France (2010-2011) with Dr. P. Reiss
• Postdoctoral associate: Ecole Polytechnique and CEA Saclay, France (2007-2010) with Prof.
and Dr.
• Postdoctoral associate: CEA-Grenoble, France (2005-2007) with Prof.
and Dr. F. Chandezon
• PhD: Bowling Green State University, United States with Prof.
53. De Tovar, J.; Ghosh, A. C.; Di Santo, T.; Curtil, M.; Aldakov, D.; Koepf, M.; Gennari, M. “
52. Keller, C.; Karuppiah, S.; Raaen, M.; Wang, J.; Perrenot, P.; Aldakov, D.; Reiss, P.; Haon, C.; Chenevier, P. “
47. Rivaux, C.; Akdas, T.; Yadav, R.; El-Dahshan, O.; Moodelly, D.; Ling, W. L.; Aldakov, D.; Reiss, P. “
Continuous Flow Aqueous Synthesis of Highly Luminescent AgInS2 and AgInS2 /ZnS Quantum Dots”.
J. Phys. Chem. C
2022, 126 (48), 20524–20534.

46. Duong, T. M.; Aldakov, D.; Pouget, S.; Ling, W. L.; Dang, L. S.; Nogues, G.; Reiss, P. “
Room-Temperature Doping of CsPbBr3 Nanocrystals with Aluminum”
J. Phys. Chem. Lett.
2022, 13 (20), 4495–4500.

45. Ye, J.; Li, Y.; Medjahed, A. A.; Pouget, S.; Aldakov, D.; Liu, Y.; Reiss, P. “
Doped Bilayer Tin(IV) Oxide Electron Transport Layer for High Open‐Circuit Voltage Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with Reduced Hysteresis”
2021, 17 (5), 2005671.

44. Giannoudis, E.; Bold, S.; Müller, C.; Schwab, A.; Bruhnke, J.; Queyriaux, N.; Gablin, C.; Leonard, D.; Saint-Pierre, C.; Gasparutto, D.; Aldakov, D.; Kupfer, S.; Artero, V.; Dietzek, B.; Chavarot-Kerlidou, M. “
Hydrogen Production at a NiO Photocathode Based on a Ruthenium Dye–Cobalt Diimine Dioxime Catalyst Assembly: Insights from Advanced Spectroscopy and
Post-operando Characterization”
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces
2021, 13 (42), 49802–49815.

43. Morales, D. V.; Astudillo, C. N.; Anastasoaie, V.; Dautreppe, B.; Urbano, B. F.; Rivas, B. L.; Gondran, C.; Aldakov, D.; Chovelon, B.; André, D.; Putaux, J.-L.; Lancelon-Pin, C.; Sirach, S.; Ungureanu, E.-M.; Costentin, C.; Collomb, M.-N.; Fortage, J. “
A cobalt oxide-polypyrrole nanocomposite as an efficient and stable electrode material for electrocatalytic water oxidation”
Sustain. Energy Fuels
2021, 5 (18), 4710–4723.

42. J. Ye, Y. Li, A. A. Medjahed, S. Pouget, D. Aldakov, Y. Liu and P. Reiss “
Doped Bilayer Tin(IV) Oxide Electron Transport Layer for High Open-Circuit Voltage Planar Perovskite Solar Cells with Reduced Hysteresis”
2005671, 1–9.

41. A. Morozan, H. Johnson, C. Roiron, G. Genay, D. Aldakov, A. Ghedjatti, C. T. Nguyen, P. D. Tran, S. Kinge and V. Artero, “
Nonprecious Bimetallic Iron − Molybdenum Sulfide Electrocatalysts for the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction in Proton Exchange Membrane Electrolyzers”
ACS Catal.,
10, 14336–14348.

40. S. Karuppiah, C. Keller, P. Kumar, P.-H. Jouneau, D. Aldakov, J.-B. Ducros, G. Lapertot, P. Chenevier and C. Haon “
A scalable silicon nanowires-grown-on-graphite composite for high-energy lithium batteries”
ACS Nano,
14, 12006−12015.

39. C. I. L. Santos, W. S. Machado, K. D. Wegner, L. A. P. Gontijo, J. Bettini, M. A Schiavon, P. Reiss and D. Aldakov* “
Hydrothermal synthesis of aqueous-soluble copper indium sulfide nanocrystals and their use in quantum dot sensitized solar cells”
Nanomaterials ,
10, 1252.

38. C. Tapia, E. Bellet-Amalric, D. Aldakov, F. Boudoire, K. Sivula, L. Cagnon and V. Artero “
Achieving visible light-driven hydrogen evolution at positive bias with a hybrid copper–iron oxide| TiO
2-cobaloxime photocathode”,
Green Chem.
22, 3141-3149

37. F. Alam, K.D. Wegner, S. Pouget, L. Amidani, K. Kvashnina, D. Aldakov and P. Reiss “
Eu2+: A suitable substituent for Pb2+ in CsPbX3 perovskite nanocrystals?”
J. Chem. Phys.
151 (23), 231101.

36. B.R.C. Vale, R.S. Mourão, J. Bettini, J.C.L. Sousa, J.L. Ferrari, P. Reiss, D. Aldakov and M.A. Schiavon “
Ligand induced switching of the band alignment in aqueous synthesized CdTe/CdS core/shell nanocrystals”
Sci. Rep.
9(1), 1-12.

35. S. Chandrasekaran, N. Kaeffer, L. Cagnon, D. Aldakov, J. Fize,G. Nonglaton, F. Baleras, P. Mailley, V. Artero "
A robust ALD-protected silicon-based hybrid photoelectrode for aqueous hydrogen evolution",
Chem. Sci.
10, 4469-4475.

34. D. Aldakov
* and P. Reiss
* "
Safer-by-Design Fluorescent Nanocrystals: Metal Halide Perovskites vs. Semiconductor Quantum Dots" (Feature article),
J. Phys. Chem. C,
2019, 123, 20, 12527–12541 ACS Editors' choice.

33. Md E. Ahmed, S. Chattopadhyay, L. Wang, D. Brazzolotto, D. Pramanik, D. Aldakov, J. Fize, A. Morozan, M. Gennari, C. Duboc, A. Dey and V. Artero "
Hydrogen evolution from aqueous solution mediated by a heterogenized [NiFe]-hydrogenase model: low pH enables catalysis through enzyme relevant mechanism"
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018,
130, 16233-16236.
32. L. Vaure, Y. Liu, D. Cadavid, F. Agnese, D. Aldakov, S. Pouget, A. Cabot, P. Reiss and P. Chenevier "
Doping and Surface Effects of CuFeS2Nanocrystals Used in Thermoelectric Nanocomposites"
ChemNanoMat 2018,
4, 982–991.
31. J. Li, M. Bouchard, P. Reiss, D. Aldakov, S. Pouget, R. Demadrille, C. Aumaitre, B. Frick, D. Djurado, M. Rossi and P. Rinke "
Activation Energy of Organic Cation Rotation in CH3NH3PbI3and CD3NH3PbI3: Quasi-Elastic Neutron Scattering Measurements and First-Principles Analysis Including Nuclear Quantum Effects"
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2018,
9, 14, 3969-3977.

30. M. Sandroni, R. Gueret, K. D. Wegner, P. Reiss, J. Fortage, D. Aldakov* and M.-N. Collomb "
Cadmium-free CuInS2/ZnS quantum dots as efficient and robust photosensitizers in combination with a molecular catalyst for visible light-driven H2 production in water"
Energy Environ. Sci.2018,
11, 1752-1761.

Front cover. Highlighted at
CNRS news and other.
29. M.T. Sajjad, J. Park, D. Gaboriau, J.R. Harwell, F. Odobel, P. Reiss, I.D. W. Samuel and D. Aldakov* "
CuSCN Nanowires as Electrodes for p-Type Quantum Dot Sensitized Solar Cells: Charge Transfer Dynamics and Alumina Passivation"
J. Phys. Chem. C,
122, 5161-5170.

28. D. Aradilla, M. Delaunay, M. Buhagiar, D. Aldakov, J. Faure-Vincent, H. Okuno, J.-M. Gerard and G. Bidan "
Plasma Heavily Nitrogen-Doped Vertically Oriented Graphene Nanosheets (N-VOGNs) for High Volumetric Performance On-Chip Supercapacitors in Ionic Liquid"
Curr. Smart Mater.2018,
3, 1 32-39.

27.M. Gromova, A. Lefrancois, L. Vaure, F. Agnese, D. Aldakov, A. Maurice, D. Djurado, C. Lebrun, A. de Geyer, T.U. Schulli, S. Pouget and P. Reiss "
Growth Mechanism and Surface State of CuInS2 Nanocrystals Synthesized with Dodecanethiol"
J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
139, 15748–15759.

26. M. Sandroni, K. David Wegner, D. Aldakov and P. Reiss "
Prospects of Chalcopyrite-Type Nanocrystals for Energy Applications"
ACS Energy Lett. 2017,
2, 1076-1088.

Youtube videopresentation of the perspective:
https://youtu.be/cJhSe5-i1oQ 25. D. Gaboriau, M. Boniface, A. Valero, D. Aldakov, T. Brousse, P. Gentile and S. Sadki "
Atomic Layer Deposition Alumina-Passivated Silicon Nanowires: Probing the Transition from the Electrochemical Double-Layer Capacitor to Electrolytic Capacitors"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interf. 2017, 9, 13761-13769.

24. M. Bouchard, J. Hilhorst, S. Pouget, F. Alam, M. Mendez, D. Djurado, D. Aldakov, T. Schülli and P. Reiss "
Direct Evidence of Chlorine-Induced Preferential Crystalline Orientation in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskites Grown on TiO2"
J. Phys. Chem. C,
121, 14, 7596-7602.

23. T.T.T. Pham, S. K. Saha, D. Provost, Y. Farré, M. Raissi, Y. Pellegrin, E. Blart, S. Vedraine, B. Ratier, D. Aldakov, F. Odobel and J. Bouclé "
Towards Efficient Solid-State p-Type Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells: The Dye Matters"
J. Phys. Chem. C,
121 (1), 129-139.

22. D. Aldakov* and P. Reiss, Perspective in
Synth. Met., 2016, 222, Part A, 1-2 in Special Issue "
Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials for Optoelectronics" (Guest editors: Dmitry Aldakov and Peter Reiss)

21. D. Aradilla, F. Gao, G. Lewes-Malandrakis, W. Müller-Sebert, P. Gentile, M. Boniface, D. Aldakov, B. Iliev, T.J.S. Schubert, C.E. Nebel and G. Bidan "
Designing 3D Multihierarchical Heteronanostructures for High-Performance On-Chip Hybrid Supercapacitors: Poly(3,4-(ethylenedioxy)thiophene)-Coated Diamond/Silicon Nanowire Electrodes in an Aprotic Ionic Liquid"
ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,
8 (28), 18069–18077.

20. J. Park, M. T. Sajjad, P.-H. Jouneau, A. Ruseckas, J. Faure-Vincent, I.D.W. Samuel, P. Reiss and D. Aldakov* "
Efficient eco-friendly inverted quantum dot sensitized solar cells"
J. Mater. Chem. A, 2016,
4, 827-837
19. D. Aldakov*, M.T. Sajjad, V. Ivanova, A.K. Bansal, J. Park, P. Reiss and I.DW. Samuel “
Mercaptophosphonic acids as efficient linkers in quantum dot sensitized solar cells”
J. Mater. Chem. A,
3, 19050-19060.

18. A. de Kergommeaux, M. Lopez-Haro, S. Pouget, J.-M. Zuo, C. Lebrun, F. Chandezon, D. Aldakov and P. Reiss “
Synthesis, Internal Structure and Formation Mechanism of Monodisperse Tin Sulfide Nanoplatelets”
J. Am. Chem. Soc., 2015,
137, 9943-9952.
17. D. Aldakov*, C. Chappaz-Gillot, R. Salazar, V. Delaye, K.A. Welsby, V. Ivanova and P.R. Dunstan
"Properties of Electrodeposited CuSCN 2D Layers and Nanowires Influenced by Their Mixed Domain Structure" J. Phys. Chem. C,
118, 16095–16103.
16. C. Chappaz-Gillot, S. Berson, R. Salazar, B. Lechêne, D. Aldakov, V. Delaye, S. Guillerez and V. Ivanova
"Polymer Solar Cells with Electrodeposited CuSCN Nanowires as New Efficient Hole Transporting Layer"
Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 2014,
120, 163–167.
15. D. Aldakov, A. Lefrançois and P. Reiss
"Ternary and quaternary metal chalcogenide nanocrystals: synthesis, properties and applications" J. Mater. Chem. C,
2013, 1, 3756.
14. S. Sanchez, D. Aldakov, D. Rouchon, L. Rapenne, A. Delamoreanu, C. Lévy-Clément and V. Ivanova
"Sensitization of ZnO nanowire arrays with CuInS2 for extremely thin absorber solar cells"
J. Renew. Sustain. Energy, 2013, 5, 011207.
13. D. Aldakov*, D. Tondelier, S. Palacin and Y. Bonnassieux
"Ethanol-mediated metal transfer printing on organic films" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,
3, 740–5
12. G. Zucchi, V. Murugesan, D. Tondelier, D. Aldakov, T. Jeon, F. Yang, P. Thuéry, M. Ephritikhine and B. Geffroy
"Solution, solid state and film properties of a structurally characterized highly luminescent molecular europium plastic material excitable with visible light" Inorg. Chem.,
50, 4851-4856.
11. G. Zucchi, T. Jeon, D. Tondelier, D. Aldakov, P. Thuéry, M. Ephritikhine and B. Geffroy
"White electroluminescence of lanthanide complexes resulting from exciplex formation"
J. Mater. Chem., 2010,
20, 2114.
10. D. Aldakov, T. Jiu, M. Zagorska, R. de Bettignies, P.-H. Jouneau, A. Pron and F. Chandezon
"Hybrid nanocomposites of CdSe nanocrystals distributed in complexing thiophene-based copolymers" Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys.,
12, 7497–505.
9. D. Aldakov, Y. Bonnassieux, B. Geffroy and S. Palacin
"Selective electroless copper deposition on self-assembled dithiol monolayers" ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,
1, 584–9.
8. D. Aldakov, F. Chandezon, R. De Bettignies, M. Firon, P. Reiss and A. Pron
"Hybrid organic-inorganic nanomaterials: ligand effects" Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys,. 2007,
265, 261–265.
7. M. Brinkmann, D. Aldakov and F. Chandezon
"Fabrication of Oriented and Periodic Hybrid Nanostructures of Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and CdSe Nanocrystals by Directional Epitaxial Solidification" Adv. Mater.,
19, 3819–3823.
6. D. Aldakov, C. Querner, Y. Kervella, B. Jousselme, R. Demadrille, E. Rossitto, P. Reiss and A. Pron
"Fabrication of Oriented and Periodic Hybrid Nanostructures of Regioregular Poly(3-hexylthiophene) and CdSe Nanocrystals by Directional Epitaxial Solidification" Microchim. Acta,2007,
160, 335–344.
5. D. Aldakov, M.A. Palacios and P. Anzenbacher, Jr.
"Benzothiadiazoles and Dipyrrolyl Quinoxalines with Extended Conjugated Chromophores-Fluorophores and Anion Sensors" Chem. Mater., 2005,
17, 5238–5241.
4. R. Pohl, D. Aldakov, P. Kubát, K. Jursíková, M. Marquez and P. Anzenbacher, Jr.
"Strategies toward improving the performance of fluorescence-based sensors for inorganic anions" Chem. Commun.,
2004, 1282–3.
3. P. Anzenbacher Jr., K. Jursikova, D. Aldakov, M. Marquez and R. Pohl
"Materials chemistry approach to anion-sensor design" Tetrahedron
60, 11163–11168.
2. D. Aldakov and P. Anzenbacher, Jr.
"Sensing of aqueous phosphates by polymers with dual modes of signal transduction" J. Am. Chem. Soc.,
126, 4752–3.
1. D. Aldakov and P. Anzenbacher, Jr.
"Dipyrrolyl quinoxalines with extended chromophores are efficient fluorimetric sensors for pyrophosphate" Chem. Commun., 2003, 1394–5.
Book chapter
C. Aumaitre, D. Joly, D. Aldakov and R. Demadrille"Alternative Binary and Ternary Metal Oxides for Dye- and Quantum Dot-Sensitized Solar Cells" in
The Future of Semiconductor Oxides in Next-Generation Solar Cells, Ed.
Elsevier, 2018, pp. 85–115.
Projects Campus France: France-Brazil, 2015-2019 - coordinator
ANR SuperSansPlomb 2015-2019 - coordinator
ANR QUEPHELEC, 2013-2017 - coordinator
STAR France-Korea (Campus France), 2012-2013 - partner
Collaborations University of Saint Andrews, Scotland, UK
RCAST, University of Tokyo, Japan
University of São João del Rei, Brazil
Université de Nantes, France
Université de Limoges, France