Publications of the team from 2005 to 2017
Published on 31 August 2022
Body text 1
Optically Assisted Surface Functionalization for Protein Arraying in Aqueous Media
Alvarado RE, Nguyen HT, Pepin-Donat B, Lombard C, Roupioz Y and Leroy L
Langmuir 33 (2017) 10511-10516
Metallic Conductive Nanowires Elaborated by PVD Metal Deposition on Suspended DNA Bundles
Brun C, Elchinger P-H, Nonglaton G, Tidiane-Diagne C, Tiron R, Thuaire A, Gasparutto D and Baillin X
Small 13 (2017) 1700956
Self-assembly of porphyrin-DNA hybrids into large flat nanostructures
Chatelain G, Clave G, Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D and Campidelli S
Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 15 (2017) 6257-6263
A Versatile Electronic Tongue Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging and Cross-Reactive Sensor Arrays-A Mini-Review
Garcon L-A, Genua M, Hou Y, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Livache T, Billon M, Le Narvor C, Bonnaffe D, Lortat-Jacob H, et al.
Sensors 17 (2017) 1046
HAL <hal-01522527>
Fabrication of nanotweezers and their remote actuation by magnetic fields
Iss C, Ortiz G, Truong A, Hou Y, Livache T, Calemczuk R, Sabon P, Gautier E, Auffret S, Buda-Prejbeanu LD, et al.
Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 451
Linear Chain Formation of Split-Aptamer Dimers on Surfaces Triggered by Adenosine
Lu C, Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D, Roupioz Y, Peyrin E and Buhot A
Langmuir 33 (2017) 12785-12792
Abasic and oxidized ribonucleotides embedded in DNA are processed by human APE1 and not by RNase H2
Malfatti MC, Balachander S, Antoniali G, Koh KD, Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D, Chon H, Crouch RJ, Storici F and Tell G
Nucleic Acids Research 45 (2017) 11193-11212
Label-free immuno-sensors for the fast detection of Listeria in food
Morlay A, Duquenoy A, Piat F, Calemczuk R, Mercey T, Livache T and Roupioz Y
Measurement 98 (2017) 305-310
Electronic structure of nickel porphyrin NiP: Study by X-ray photoelectron and absorption spectroscopy
Svirskiy GI, Sergeeva NN, Krasnikov SA, Vinogradov NA, Sergeeva YN, Cafolla AA, Preobrajenski AB and Vinogradov AS
Physics of the Solid State 59 (2017) 368-377
Biochips for Direct Detection and Identification of Bacteria in Blood Culture-Like Conditions
Templier V, Livache T, Boisset S, Maurin M, Slimani S, Mathey R and Roupioz Y
Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 9457
On the challenges of detecting whole Staphylococcus aureus cells with biosensors
Templier V and Roupioz Y
Journal of Applied Microbiology 123 (2017) 1056-1067
Oxidative DNA Damage and Repair in the Radioresistant Archaeon Thermococcus gammatolerans
Barbier E, Lagorce A, Hachemi A, Dutertre M, Gorlas A, Morand L, Saint-Pierre C, Ravanat J-L, Douki T, Armengaud J, et al.
Chemical Research in Toxicology 29 (2016) 1796-1809
Imagerie par résonance des plasmons de surface : application en microbiologie
Boulade M, Moreau J and Livache T
Photoniques 81 (2016) 24-27
DNA Origami Mask for Sub-Ten-Nanometer Lithography
Diagne CT, Brun C, Gasparutto D, Baillin X and Tiron R
ACS Nano 10 (2016) 6458-6463
A DNA array based on clickable lesion-containing hairpin probes for multiplexed detection of base excision repair activities
Flaender M, Costa G, Nonglaton G, Saint-Pierre C and Gasparutto D
Analyst 141 (2016) 6208-6216
Near diffusion-controlled reaction of a Zn(Cys)(4) zinc finger with hypochlorous acid
Lebrun V, Ravanat J-L, Latour J-M and Seneque O
Chemical Science 7 (2016) 5508-5516
Real-time toxicity testing of silver nanoparticles to Salmonella Enteritidis using surface plasmon resonance imaging: A proof of concept
Mallevre F, Templier V, Mathey R, Leroy L, Roupioz Y, Fernandes TF, Aspray TJ and Livache T
NanoImpact 1 (2016) 55–59
A nanoparticle-based thermo-dynamic aptasensor for small molecule detection
Melaine F, Coilhac C, Roupioz Y and Buhot A
Nanoscale 8 (2016) 16947-16954
Polymer translocation through nano-pores in vibrating thin membranes
Menais T, Mossa S and Buhot A
Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 38558
Fast detection of both O157 and non-O157 shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli by real-time optical immunoassay
Mondani L, Delannoy S, Mathey R, Piat F, Mercey T, Slimani S, Fach P, Livache T and Roupioz Y
Letters in Applied Microbiology 62 (2016) 39-46
Immunological detection of Cronobacter and Salmonella in powdered infant formula by plasmonic label-free assay
Morlay A, Piat F, Mercey T and Roupioz Y
Letters in Applied Microbiology 62 (2016) 459-465
A high-throughput screen for detection of compound-dependent phosphodiester bond cleavage at abasic sites
Rideout MC, Liet B, Gasparutto D and Berthet N
Analytical Biochemistry 513 (2016) 93-97
Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases covalently modify strand break termini in DNA fragments in vitro
Talhaoui I, Lebedeva NA, Zarkovic G, Saint-Pierre C, Kutuzov MM, Sukhanova MV, Matkarimov BT, Gasparutto D, Saparbaev MK, Lavrik OI, et al.
Nucleic Acids Research 44 (2016) 9279-9295
Ligands for label-free detection of whole bacteria on biosensors: A review
Templier V, Roux A, Roupioz Y and Livache T
TrAC-Trends in Analytical Chemistry 79 (2016) 71-79
Carbohydrates as New Probes for the Identification of Closely Related Escherichia coli Strains Using Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging
Bulard E, Bouchet-Spinelli A, Chaud P, Roget A, Calemczuk R, Fort S and Livache T
Analytical Chemistry 87 (2015) 1804-1811
HAL <hal-01587601>
On the use of aptamer microarrays as a platform for the exploration of human prothrombin/thrombin conversion
Daniel C, Roupioz Y, Livache T and Buhot A
Analytical Biochemistry 473 (2015) 66-71
HAL <hal-01589470>
Integrating Multi-Functionalities Into Non-Spherical Microparticles Fabricated by Top-Down Approach
Genua M, Reinhardt N, Faure-Vincent J, Calemczuk R, Livache T and Hou Y
Science of Advanced Materials 7 (2015) 1779-1784
HAL <hal-01593306>
Microfabrication, characterization and in vivo MRI compatibility of diamond microelectrodes array for neural interfacing
Hebert C, Warnking J, Depaulis A, Garcon LA, Mermoux M, Eon D, Mailley P and Omnes F
Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications 46 (2015) 25-31
HAL <hal-01364086>
Surface plasmon resonance imaging of the conversion of clustered DNA lesions into double strand breaks by Fpg protein
Jourdan M, Pingel J, Buhot A, Livache T and Constant J-F
AIMS Materials Science 2 (2015) 473-483
HAL <hal-01651414>
Triggering the apoptosis of targeted human renal cancer cells by the vibration of anisotropic magnetic particles attached to the cell membrane
Leulmi S, Chauchet X, Morcrette M, Ortiz G, Joisten H, Sabon P, Livache T, Hou Y, Carriere M, Lequien S, et al.
Nanoscale 7 (2015) 15904-15914
HAL <hal-01615206>
Développement d'une "biopuce à cellules" pour l'analyse des secrétions de cytokines par les lymphocytes T individuel
Baganizi DR
Doctorat de l'Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (2014)
Cell specific electrodes for neuronal network reconstruction and monitoring
Bendali A, Bouguelia S, Roupioz Y, Forster V, Mailley P, Benosman R, Livache T, Sahel J-A and Picaud S
Analyst 139 (2014) 3281-3289
Electrochemical transduction of DNA hybridization at modified electrodes by using an electroactive pyridoacridone intercalator
Bouffier L, Wang BS, Roget A, Livache T, Demeunynck M and Mailley P
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 406 (2014) 1163-1172
Relationship between humoral response against hepatitis C virus and disease overcome
Brakha C, Arvers P, Villiers F, Marlu A, Buhot A, Livache T, Calemczuk R, Zarski J-P, Villiers CL, Marche PN, et al.
Springerplus 3 (2014) 56
Thiol monolayer self assembly for the fabrication of aptamer microarrayswith itscoagulation partners
Buhot A, Daniel C, Roupioz Y and Livache T
Comm. Orale: 5th Nanostructures and Nanomaterials Self Assembly International Conference NanoSEA 2014 (Marseille, France, July 7-11, 2014)
Landscapes of taste
Garcon LA, Genua M, Hou Y, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Bonnaffé D, Lortat-Jacob H, Livache T and Hou Y
Comm. Poster: 24th European Chemoreception Research Organization Congress (Dijon, France, September 10-13, 2014)
Landscapes of Taste by a Novel Electronic Tongue for the Analysis of Complex Mixtures
Garçon LA, Hou YJ, Genua M, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Bonnaffé D, Hou Y and Livache T
Sensor Letters 12 (2014) 1-6
Landscapes of taste
Garçon L-A, Genua M, Hou Y, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Bonnaffé D, Lortat-Jacob H, Livache T and Hou Y
Comm. Poster: 24th Congress of the European Chemoreception Research Organization ECRO (Dijon, France, September 10-14, 2014)
SPR imaging based electronic tongue via landscape images for complex mixture analysis
Genua M, Garcon L-A, Mounier V, Wehry H, Buhot A, Billon M, Calemczuk R, Bonnaffe D, Hou Y and Livache T
Talanta 130 (2014) 49-54
Landscape of taste: continuous evolution patterns for electronic nose based analysis
Hou Y, Garcon LA, Bonnaffé D, Livache T and Buhot A
Comm. Invitée: 2nd World Congress of Digital Olfaction Society (Tokyo, Japan, December 8-9, 2014)
A novel electronic tongue for analysis of Heparan sulfate binding proteins
Hou Y, Genua M, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Bonnaffé D, Lortat-Jacob H and Livache T
Comm. Orale: 24th Anniversary Congress on Biosensors 2014 (Melbourne, Australie, May 25-30, 2014)
Electronic Tongue Generating Continuous Recognition Patterns for Protein Analysis
Hou Y, Genua M, Garcon L-A, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Bonnaffe D, Lortat-Jacob H and Livache T
Jove-Journal of Visualized Experiments (2014) e51901
Résolution spatiale en microscopie par résonance de plasmon de surface à couplage par prisme
Laplatine L
Doctorat de l'Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (2014)
Spatial resolution in prism-based surface plasmon resonance microscopy
Laplatine L, Leroy L, Calemczuk R, Baganizi D, Marche PN, Roupioz Y and Livache T
Optics Express 22 (2014) 22771-22785
Photothermal effect for localized desorption of primary lymphocytes arrayed on an antibody/DNA-based biochip
Leroy L, Bombera R, Engel E, Calemczuk R, Laplatine L, Baganizi D-dR, Marche PN, Roupioz Y and Livache T
Lab on a Chip 14 (2014) 1987-1990
Triggering the apoptosis of targeted cancer cells by the mechanical vibrations of synthetic antiferromagnetic or vortex microparticles
Leulmi S, Joisten H, Dietsch T, Iss C, Morcrette M, Sabon P, Carrière M, Hou-Broutin Y, Ortiz G, Chauchet X, et al.
Comm. Orale: Intermag Conference (Dresden, Germany, May 04-08, 2014)
Biopuce à aptamères : application à la détection de petites molécules par imagerie de résonance plasmonique de surface
Melaine F
Doctorat de l'Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble (2014)
Aptamers biosensor for small molecules detection using Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging
Melaine F, Roupioz Y and Buhot A
Comm. Orale: 1st International Oxford Symposium on Aptamers (Oxford, UK, March 24-25, 2014)
Simultaneous enrichment and optical detection of low levels of stressed Escherichia coli O157:H7 in food matrices
Mondani L, Roupioz Y, Delannoy S, Fach P and Livache T
Journal of Applied Microbiology 117 (2014) 537-546
Effect of Lipid Coating on the Interaction Between Silica Nanoparticles and Membranes
Tada DB, Suraniti E, Rossi LM, Leite CAP, Oliveira CS, Tumolo TC, Calemczuk R, Livache T and Baptista MS
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 10 (2014) 519-528
Highly sensitive label-free detection of bacterial pathogens in food and blood samples
Templier V, Pulido D, Piat F, Mercey T, Slimani S, Roupioz Y and Livache T
Comm. Poster: 10ème congrès national de la Société Française de Microbiologie (Paris, France, March 31- April 1, 2014)
BloodyScreen : rapid detection and identification of very low level of bacteria in blood
Templier V, Pulido D, Piat F, Mercey T, Slimani S, Roupioz Y and Livache T
Comm. Poster: 10ème Rencontre Annuelle des Technologies pour la Santé (Fontenay-Aux-Roses, France, October 9, 2014)
On-chip microbial culture for the specific detection of very low levels of bacteria
Bouguelia S, Roupioz Y, Slimani S, Mondani L, Casabona MG, Durmort C, Vernet T, Calemczuk R and Livache T
Lab on a Chip 13 (2013) 4024-4032
Solution-Phase vs Surface-Phase Aptamer-Protein Affinity from a Label-Free Kinetic Biosensor
Daniel C, Roupioz Y, Gasparutto D, Livache T and Buhot A
Plos One 8 (2013) e75419
Functionalization of optical nanotip arrays with an electrochemical microcantilever for multiplexed DNA detection
Descamps E, Duroure N, Deiss F, Leichle T, Adam C, Mailley P, Ait-Ikhlef A, Livache T, Nicu L and Sojic N
Lab on a Chip 13 (2013) 2956-2962
Physico-chemical foundations underpinning microarray and next-generation sequencing experiments
Harrison A, Binder H, Buhot A, Burden CJ, Carlon E, Gibas C, Gamble LJ, Halperin A, Hooyberghs J, Kreil DP, et al.
Nucleic Acids Research 41 (2013) 2779-2796
A composite material made of carbon nanotubes partially embedded in a nanocrystalline diamond film
Hebert C, Ruffinatto S, Eon D, Mermoux M, Gheeraert E, Omnes F and Mailley P
Carbon 52 (2013) 408-417
Selective Individual Primary Cell Capture Using Locally Bio-Functionalized Micropores
Liu J, Bombera R, Leroy L, Roupioz Y, Baganizi DR, Marche PN, Haguet V, Mailley P and Livache T
Plos One 8 (2013) e57717
Microwave Heating for the Rapid Generation of Glycosylhydrazides
Mallevre F, Roget A, Minon T, Kervella Y, Ropartz D, Ralet MC, Canut H and Livache T
Bioconjugate Chemistry 24 (2013) 1264-1269
Binding of Chondroitin 4-Sulfate to Cathepsin S Regulates Its Enzymatic Activity
Sage J, Mallevre F, Barbarin-Costes F, Samsonov SA, Gehrcke J-P, Pisabarro MT, Perrier E, Schnebert S, Roget A, Livache T, et al.
Biochemistry 52 (2013) 6487-6498
Hierarchical aggregation mechanism in heat-set metallosupramolecular gels using a tritopic functional ligand exhibiting temperature-triggered cis-to-trans molecular conversions
Yan M, Velu SKP, Marechal M, Royal G, Galvez J and Terech P
Soft Matter 9 (2013) 4428-4436
HAL <hal-01652810>
DNA-directed capture of primary cells from a complex mixture and controlled orthogonal release monitored by SPR imaging
Bombera R, Leroy L, Livache T, Roupioz Y
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 33 (2012) 10-16
Electrochemistry and bioactivity relationship of 6-substituted-4H-Pyrido[4,3,2-kl]acridin-4-one antitumor drug candidates
Bouffier L, Gosse I, Demeunynck M, Mailley P
Bioelectrochemistry 88 (2012) 103-109
Continuous Evolution Profiles for Electronic-Tongue-Based Analysis
Hou YX, Genua M, Batista DT, Calemczuk R, Buhot A, Fornarelli P, Koubachi J, Bonnaffe D, Saesen E, Laguri C, Lortat-Jacob H, Livache T
Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 51 (2012) 10394-10398
Electrochemically Induced Maskless Metal Deposition on Micropore Wall
Liu J, Hebert C, Pham P, Sauter-Starace F, Haguet V, Livache T, Mailley P
Small 8 (2012) 1345-1349
Polarization-Induced Local Pore-Wall Functionalization for Biosensing: From Micropore to Nanopore
Liu J, Pham P, Haguet V, Sauter-Starace F, Leroy L, Roget A, Descamps E, Bouchet A, Buhot A, Mailey P, Livache T
Analytical Chemistry 84 (2012) 3254-3261
Antibody microarrays for label-free cell-based applications
Milgram S, Bombera R, Livache T, Roupioz Y
Methods 56 (2012) 326-333
Temperature scans/cycles for the detection of low abundant DNA point mutations on microarrays
Pingel J, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Livache T
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 31 (2012) 554-557
3D shaped mechanically flexible diamond microelectrode arrays for eye implant applications: The MEDINAS project
Bergonzo P, Bongrain A, Scorsone E, Bendali A, Rousseau L, Lissorgues G, Mailley P, Li Y, Kauffmann T, Goy F, Yvert B, Sahel JA, Picaud S
IRBM 32 (2011) 91-94
High Sensitivity of Diamond Resonant Microcantilevers for Direct Detection in Liquids As Probed by Molecular Electrostatic Surface Interactions
Bongrain A, Agnes C, Rousseau L, Scorsone E, Arnault JC, Ruffinatto S, Omnes F, Mailley P, Lissorgues G, Bergonzo P
Langmuir 27 (2011) 12226-12234
Opto-electrochemical nanosensor array for remote DNA detection
Deiss F, Laurent S, Descamps E, Livache T, Sojic N
Analyst 136 (2011) 327-331
TOX4 and its binding partners recognize DNA adducts generated by platinum anticancer drugs
Du Puch CBM, Barbier E, Kraut A, Coute Y, Fuchs J, Buhot A, Livache T, Seve M, Favier A, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Sauvaigo S, Breton J
Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 507 (2011) 296-303
Electrostatic immobilization of polyoxometallates on silicon: X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy and electrochemical studies
Fleury B, Billon M, Duclairoir F, Dubois L, Fanton A, Bidan G
Thin Solid Films 519 (2011) 3732-3738
Self-assembly of Pt nanocrystals/one-dimensional titanate nanobelts heterojunctions and their great enhancement of photocatalytic activities
Liu YL, Zhong L, Peng ZY, Cai Y, Song YB, Chen W
Crystengcomm 13 (2011) 5467-5473
On chip real time monitoring of B-cells hybridoma secretion of immunoglobulin
Milgram S, Cortes S, Villiers MB, Marche P, Buhot A, Livache T, Roupioz Y
Biosensors & Bioelectronics 26 (2011) 2728-2732
Viscosity and Renewal Time of Polymer Reptation Models
Buhot A
Macromolecules 43 (2010) 9155-9159
Versatile Functionalization of Nanoelectrodes by Oligonucleotides via Pyrrole Electrochemistry
Descamps E, Nguyen K, Bouchain-Gautier C, Filoramo A, Goux-Capes L, Goffman M, Bourgoin JP, Mailley P, Livache T
Chemphyschem 11 (2010) 3541-3546
Bistable molecules development and Si surface grafting: two chemical tools used for the fabrication of hybrid molecule/Si CMOS component
Duclairoir F, Dubois L, Calborean A, Fateeva A, Fleury B, Kalaiselvan A, Marchon JC, Maldivi P, Billon M, Bidan G, de Salvo B, Delapierre G, Buckley J, Huang K, Barattin R, Pro T
International Journal of Nanotechnology 7 (2010) 719-737
Effects of formamide on the thermal stability of DNA duplexes on biochips
Fuchs J, Dell'Atti D, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Mascini M, Livache T
Analytical Biochemistry 397 (2010) 132-134
Salt Concentration Effects on Equilibrium Melting Curves from DNA Microarrays
Fuchs J, Fiche JB, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Livache T
Biophysical Journal 99 (2010) 1886-1895
Coupling electropolymerization and microfluidic for the generation of surface anisotropy
Vezy C, Stephan K, Livache T, Roget A, Riviere C, Rieu JP, Ferrigno R
Electrochemistry Communications 12 (2010) 1266-1269
XPS study of ruthenium tris-bipyridine electrografted from diazonium salt derivative on microcrystalline boron doped diamond
Agnès C, Arnault JC, Omnes F, Jousselme B, Billon M, Bidan G, Mailley P
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 11 (2009) 11647-11654
Actin machinery and mechanosensitivity in invadopodia, podosomes and focal adhesions
Albiges-Rizo C, Destaing O, Fourcade B, Planus E, Block MR
Journal of Cell Science 122 (2009) 3037-3049
Excitable waves at the margin of the contact area between a cell and a substrate
Ali O, Albiges-Rizo C, Block MR, Fourcade B
Physical Biology 6 (2009) 025010
Contactless Electrofunctionalization of a Single Pore
Bouchet A, Descamps E, Mailley P, Livache T, Chatelain F, Haguet V
Small 5 (2009) 2297-2303
Electrochemical diamond sensors for TNT detection in water
De Sanoit J, Vanhove E, Mailley P, Bergonzo P
Electrochimica Acta 54 (2009) 5688-5693
Stable non-covalent functionalisation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes by pyrene-polyethylene glycol through pi-pi stacking
Liu J, Bibari O, Mailley P, Dijon J, Rouviere E, Sauter-Starace F, Caillat P, Vinet F, Marchand G
New Journal of Chemistry 33 (2009) 1017-1024
Individual Blood-Cell Capture and 2D Organization on Microarrays
Roupioz Y, Berthet-Duroure N, Leichle T, Pourciel JB, Mailley P, Cortes S, Villiers MB, Marche PN, Livache T, Nicu L
Small 5 (2009) 1493-1497
SPR imaging for label-free multiplexed analyses of DNA N-glycosylase interactions with damaged DNA duplexes
Corne C, Fiche JB, Gasparutto D, Cunin V, Suraniti E, Buhot A, Fuchs J, Calemczuk R, Livache T, Favier A
Analyst 133 (2008) 1036-1045
Recent advances in DNA sensors
Cosnier S, Mailley P
Analyst 133 (2008) 984-991
Point mutation detection by surface plasmon resonance imaging coupled with a temperature scan method in a model system
Fiche JB, Fuchs J, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Livache T
Analytical Chemistry 80 (2008) 1049-1057
Polypyrrole oligosaccharide array and surface plasmon resonance imaging for the measurement of glycosaminoglycan binding interaction
Mercey E, Sadir R, Maillart E, Roget A, Baleux F, Lortat-Jacob H, Livache T
Analytical Chemistry 80 (2008) 3476-3482
A new 3-D finite-element model based on thin-film approximation for microelectrode array recording of extracellular action potential
Moulin C, Glieere A, Barbier D, Joucla S, Yvert B, Mailley P, Guillemaud R
Ieee Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 55 (2008) 683-692
Fabrication of oligonucleotide chips by using parallel cantilever-based electrochemical deposition in picoliter volumes
Descamps E, Leichle T, Corso B, Laurent S, Mailley P, Nicu L, Livache T, Bergaud C
Advanced Materials 19 (2007) 1816
Temperature effects on DNA chip experiments from surface plasmon resonance imaging: Isotherms and melting curves
Fiche JB, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Livache T
Biophysical Journal 92 (2007) 935-946
Experimental and theoretical investigations on the adsorption of 2 '-deoxyguanosine oxidation products at oxidized boron-doped diamond electrodes
Fortin E, Vieil E, Mailley P, Szunerits S, Livache T
Analytical Chemistry 79 (2007) 3741-3746
Real-time detection of lymphocytes binding on an antibody chip using SPR imaging
Suraniti E, Sollier E, Calemczuk R, Livache T, Marche PN, Villiers MB, Roupioz Y
Lab on a Chip 7 (2007) 1206-1208
Construction of hybrid bilayer membrane (HBM) biochips and characterization of the cooperative binding between cytochrome-c and HBM
Suraniti E, Tumolo T, Baptista MS, Livache T, Calemczuk R
Langmuir 23 (2007) 6835-6842
Stability of H-terminated BDD electrodes: an insight into the influence of the surface preparation
Vanhove E, de Sanoit J, Arnault JC, Saada S, Mer C, Mailley P, Bergonzo P, Nesladek M
Physica Status Solidi a-Applications and Materials Science 204 (2007) 2931-2939
Clinically related protein-peptide interactions monitored in real time on novel peptide chips by surface plasmon resonance imaging
Cherif B, Roget A, Villiers CL, Calemczuk R, Leroy V, Marche PN, Livache T, Villiers MB
Clinical Chemistry 52 (2006) 255-262
Design and Application of a Microarray for Fluorescence and Surface Plasmon Resonance Imaging Analysis of Peptide-Antibody Interactions
Cherif B, Villiers CL, Paranhos-Baccala G, Calemczuk R, Marche PN, Livache T, Villiers MB
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology 2 (2006) 29-35
Imaging of DNA hybridization on microscopic polypyrrole patterns using scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM): the HRP bio-catalyzed oxidation of 4-chloro-1-naphthol
Fortin E, Mailley P, Lacroix L, Szunerits S
Analyst 131 (2006) 186-193
Copper electrodeposition localized in picoliter droplets using microcantilever arrays
Leichle T, Nicu L, Descamps E, Corso B, Mailley P, Livache T, Bergaud C
Applied Physics Letters 88 (2006) 254108
Scanning electrochemical microscopy (SECM): localized glucose oxidase immobilization via the direct electrochemical microspotting of polypyrrole-biotin films
Evans SAG, Brakha K, Billon M, Mailley P, Denuault G
Electrochemistry Communications 7 (2005) 135-140
A polypyrrole protein microarray for antibody-antigen interaction studies using a label-free detection process
Grosjean L, Cherif B, Mercey E, Roget A, Levy Y, Marche PN, Villiers MB, Livache T
Analytical Biochemistry 347 (2005) 193-200
Structural studies of the neural-cell-adhesion molecule by X-ray and neutron reflectivity
Johnson CP, Fragneto G, Konovalov O, Dubosclard V, Legrand JF, Leckband DE
Biochemistry 44 (2005) 546-554
Comparison of different strategies on DNA chip fabrication and DNA-sensing: Optical and electrochemical approaches
Szunerits S, Bouffier L, Calemczuk R, Corso B, Demeunynck M, Descamps E, Defontaine Y, Fiche JB, Fortin E, Livache T et al.
Electroanalysis 17 (2005) 2001-2017
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