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Aurélie Charazac

Effect of deregulation of Sonic Hedgehog pathway on responses to DNA damage and cancer predisposition

Published on 29 October 2015
Thesis presented October 29, 2015

The Gorlin syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by several developmental abnormalities. Due to mutations in PTCH1, a key player of the sonic hedgehog signaling pathway, clinical manifestations also includes hyper-radiosensitivity and an increased predisposition to the development of basal cell carcinomas. Given the implication of DNA repair system defects in hyper-radiosensitivity pathologies, we decided to study the effect of PTCH1 mutations on the DNA damage response in order to better understand the cellular and molecular mechanisms leading to Gorlin's phenotype.This study demonstrate a global failure of the DNA damage repair systems in Gorlin fibroblasts with respect to controls. It highlights in particular the collapse of the base excision repair pathway (BER) responsible for the repair of oxidative DNA damage.

Sonic Hedgehog pathway, DNA damage, Gorlin syndrom, Radio-Induced cancers, Carcinomas

On-line thesis.