3 industrial partnerships (start-up Enwires, SME Nawatechnologies, Coretec)
2016 | HEC Challenge+ start-up founder’s training with Enwires (25 days training/10 months) |
2013 | Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (habilitated), Grenoble University |
1998-2001 | PhD at Bordeaux University in physical chemistry & drug delivery Teaching at Bordeaux University |
1994-1998 | Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
L3-M1-M2 in Chemistry
L3 in biology
Selected works
(color coded:
thermoelectricity /
Li-ion batteries /
hydrogen catalysis)
Scientific papers
Matching Silicon-based anodes with solid-state electrolytes for Li-ion batteries, M. Grandjean, M. Pichardo, Y. Biecher, C. Haon and P. Chenevier,
Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 233386, 10.1016
Porous silicon-nanowire-based electrode for the photoelectrocatalytic production of hydrogen, J. Wang, C. Keller, M. Dietrich, P. Gentile, S. Pouget, H. Okuno, M. Boutghatin, Y. Pennec, V. Reita, D. Ngoc Nguyen, H. Johnson, A. Morozan, V. Artero and P. Chenevier,
Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2023, 10.1039
Low-cost tin compounds as seeds for the growth of silicon nanowires/graphite composites used in high-performance lithium-ion battery anodes, C Keller, S. Karuppiah, M. Raaen, J. Wang, P. Perrenot, D. Aldakov, P. Reiss, C. Haon and P. Chenevier,
ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2023, 10.1021
Easy diameter tuning of silicon nanowires in low-cost SnO2-catalyzed growth for lithium-ion batteries, C. Keller, Y. Djezzar, J. Wang, S. Karuppiah, G. Lapertot, C. Haon, P. Chenevier,
Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 2601, 10.3390
Conductivity vs functionalization in single-walled carbon nanotube films, M. Jouni, P. Fedorko, C. Celle, D. Djurado, P. Chenevier,* J. Faure-Vincent*,
SN Applied Sciences 2022, 10.1007
How do H2 oxidation molecular catalysts assemble onto carbon nanotube electrodes? A crosstalk between electrochemical and multi-physical characterization techniques, A. Ghedjatti, N. Coutard, L. Calvillo, G. Granozzi, B. Reuillard, V. Artero, L. Guetaz, S. Lyonnard, H. Okuno,
P. Chenevier, Chemical Science 2021, 12: 15916-15927, 10.1039
Approaching industrially relevant current densities for Hydrogen Oxidation with a bio-inspired molecular catalytic material through control of sites integration and availability, J. Schild, B. Reuillard, A. Morozan,
P. Chenevier, E. Gravel, E. Doris, V. Artero,
JACS 2021, 143: 18150-158,10.1021
Effect of size and shape on nano-Silicon based lithium battery anodes, C. Keller, A. Desrues, S. Karuppiah, E. Martin, J. P. Alper, F. Boismain, C. Villevieille, N. Herlin-Boime, C. Haon,
P. Chenevier,
Nanomaterials 2021, 11: 307,10.3390,
highly cited “Editor’s choice”
Impact of ionomer structuration on the performance of bio-inspired fuel cell anodes, N. Coutard, B. Reuillard, T. N. Huan, F. Valentino, R. T. Jane, S. Gentil, E. S. Andreiadis, A. Le Goff, T. Asset, F. Maillard, B. Jousselme, A. Morozan, S. Lyonnard, V. Artero and
P. Chenevier,
Chem Catalysis 2021, 1: 88-105,10.1016
A scalable silicon nanowires-grown-on-graphite composite for high-energy lithium batteries, S. Karuppiah, C. Keller, P. Kumar, P.-H.i Jouneau, D. Aldakov, J.-B. Ducros, G. Lapertot,
P. Chenevier, C. Haon,
ACS Nano 2020, 14: 12006-12015
Non-covalent integration of a bio-inspired Ni catalyst to graphene acid for reversible electrocatalytic hydrogen oxidation,
B. Reuillard, M. Blanco, L. Calvillo, N. Coutard, A. Ghedjatti, P. Chenevier, S. Agnoli, M. Otyepka, G. Granozzi, V. Artero,
ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2020, 12: 5805-5811
Scalable chemical synthesis of doped silicon nanowires for energy applications, O. Burchak, C. Keller, G. Lapertot, M. Salaün, J. Danet, Y. Chen, N. Bendiab, B. Pépin-Donat, C. Lombard, J. Faure-Vincent, A. Vignon, D. Aradilla, P. Reiss,
P. Chenevier, Nanoscale 2019, 11: 22304-22514
Fine tuning of intrinsic optoelectronic properties of single-walled carbon nano-tubes: From conductors to semiconductors, Z. El-Moussawi, A. Nourdine, H. Medlej, J. Toufaily, T. Hamieh, P. Chenevier, L. Flandin,
Carbon 2019, 153: 337-346
Doping and surface effects of CuFeS2 nanocrystals used in thermoelectric nanocomposites, L. Vaure, L. Yu, D. Cadavid, F. Agnese, D. Aldakov, S. Pouget, A. Cabot, P. Reiss,
P. Chenevier,
ChemNanoMat 2018, 4: 982
An innovative large scale integration of silicon nanowire-based field effect transistors, M. Legallais, T.T.T. Nguyen, M. Mouis, B. Salem, E. Robin,
P. Chenevier, C. Ternon,
Solid State Electronics 2018, 143: 97
Couche catalytique comprenant un fullerène, N. Coutard, V. Artero,
P. Chenevier, filed 1854007,
2018Procédé de préparation de nanofils de silicium et/ou germanium, P. Reiss et
P. Chenevier, filed 1651679,
2016Procédé de fabrication d'un produit à nanoéléments, O. Burchak, (writing
P. Chenevier), patent 1553108,
2015Procédé de preparation de nanofils de silicium, O. Burchak,
P. Chenevier, P. Reiss, patent 1455431,
Invited talks
Silicon nanowire-based composites for high density lithium-battery anodes,
IMN Nantes, colloq. mat batteries, 23 sept.
High energy density lithium-battery anode materials based on graphite-silicon nanowire composites ICRAMC-2021 online conference organized by SRM-IST, Chennai, India, 20 February
Invited seminar "Organic shell wrapped silicon nanowires as an energy storage material", lab. ILM Lyon, 3 July
International Master 2 course “Capita Selecta 2018”: Nano-Carbons: A wide source of novel conductors and semi-conductors for electronics and energy,
visioconference Grenoble-Leuven-Dresden-Chalmers, 22 May
Invited seminar "Novel silicon nanowires mass synthesis", lab. LEPMI Chambéry, 9 November2017