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Communications à congrès du LAN

Publié le 25 novembre 2018

Distinct photoprotective effects on UVA irradiated-keratinocytes
Bechetoille N, Metral E, Demarne F, Damour O and Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: 46th European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) Annual Meeting (Munich, Germany, September 7-10, 2016)

La déficience de TRMT10A, une méthyltransférase d'ARNt, active la voie intrinsèque de l'apoptose dans les cellules bêta-pancréatiques
Igoillo-Esteve M, Cosentino C, Oltean T, Atta M, Ravanat J-L, Eizirik D and Cnop M
Comm. Orale: Congrès de la Société Francophone du Diabète SFD (Lyon, France, March 22-25, 2016)

Triggering the apoptosis of targeted human renal cancer cells by the vibration of anisotropic magnetic particles attached to the cells membrane
Leulmi S, Joisten H, Sabon P, Hou Y, Carriere M, Chauchet X, Vemulkar T, Mansell R, Petit DC, Murphy J, et al.
Comm. Invitée: 13th Joint MMM-Intermag Conference (San Diego, CA, January 11-15, 2016)

Welcoming natural isotopic abundance in solid-state NMR: A new strategy for structure determination of organic nanoassemblies using DNP
Marker K, Paul S, Fernandez-de-Alba C, Pingret M, Gasparutto D, Lee D, Mouesca J-M, Hediger S and De Paepe G
Comm. Poster: 12th European Magnetic Resonance Meeting EUROMAR 2016 (Aarhus, Denmark, July 3-7, 2016)

Adipose derived stem cells act on skin regeneration and ageing via a paracrine effect on fibroblasts
Metral E, Auxenfans C, Rachidi W and Damour O
Comm. Poster: 46th European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) Annual Meeting (Munich, Germany, September 7-10, 2016)

Development of magnetic microparticles to destroy cancer cells
Naud C, Dreyfus M, Hou Y, Carriere M, Joisten H, Billet E, Sabon P, Morel R, Auffret S, Berger F, et al.
Comm. Poster: IEEE Magnetics Society Summer School (Sendai, Japan, July 10-28, 2017)

Keratinocytes Stem cells are more resistant to UVA radiation than their direct progeny
Rachidi W, Metral E, Demarne F, Bechetoille N and Damour O
Comm. Orale: 46th European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) Annual Meeting (Munich, Germany, September 7-10, 2016)

Internalization of iron nanoparticles by macrophages for the improvement of glioma treatment
Reymond S, Flaender M, Serduc R, Gimenez P, Arnaud J, Kim J-K, Seo S-J, Ravanat J-L and Elleaume H
Comm. Poster: Forum de la Recherche en Cancérologie Rhône-Alpes Auvergne 2016 (Lyon, France, March 29-30, 2016)

Novel compact water soluble quantum dots and their structural characterization using time-resolved F¨orster resonance energy transfer
Wegner KD, Mattera L, Carriere M and Reiss P
Comm. Orale: 15èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée JMC15 (Bordeaux, France, August 22-26, 2016)


Hydrated electron yield enhancing by Gd nanoparticles under X-rays beams: an in-line fluorescence study
Denden I, Gimenez P, Elleaume H, Ravanat JL and Baldacchino G
Comm. Orale: Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation MASR 2015 (Villard de Lans, France, October 5-8, 2015)
HAL <hal-01236215>

E171 food additive and titanium dioxide nanoparticles toxicity on intestine cell models
Dorier M
Comm. Orale: Séminaire du Labex SERENADE (Carry le Rouet, France, November 2-3, 2015)

Radiotherapy by Photoactivation of Iron Nanoparticles and Mössbauer effect
Gimenez P, Elleaume H and Ravanat J-L
Comm. Orale: Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation MASR 2015 (Villard de Lans, France, October 5-8, 2015)
HAL <hal-01236201>

Energetic metabolism and DNA damage response in fibroblasts from Li-Fraumeni syndrome patients: new insights into the molecular mechanisms of the disease
Macedo G, Sauvaigo S, Alves MS, Caillat S, Vieira IA, Timm F, Oliveira Netto CB, Alves Castro MA, Bristot I, Fachel A, et al.
Comm. Poster: 106th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (Philadelphia, PA, April 18-22, 2015)

Radiation-induced formation of tandem lesions: mechanistic aspect
Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: Workshop: “DNA damages: modeling and rationalize structure and reactivity” (Lyon, France, Novembre 3-6, 2015)
HAL <hal-01235983>

Internalization of iron nanoparticles by tumor associated macrophages for the improvement of tumor treatment
Reymond S, Gimenez P, Serduc R, Arnaud J, Kleman J-P, Djonov V, Graber W, Laissue JA, Kim J-K, Seo S-J, et al.
Comm. Poster: 8th Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation conference MASR (Villard-de-Lans, France, October 5-8, 2015)
HAL <hal-01236181>

Les nanoparticules à base de gadolinium associées à la radiothérapie: intérêt dans le traitement des cancers des Voies Aérodigestives Supérieures
Simonet S
Comm. Orale: 12ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée CIRFA (Obernai, France, November 8-12, 2015)
HAL <hal-01282026>

The Use of Gadolinium-based Nanoparticles to Improve Radiation Therapy Efficacy in HNSCC
Simonet S, Aloy M-T, Armandy E, Marc Janier, Tillement O, Lux F, Beuve M, Ravanat JL, Rachidi W, Rodriguez-Lafrasse C, et al.
Comm. Orale: 15th International Congress of Radiation Research ICRR 2015 (Kyoto, Japan, May 25-29, 2015)
HAL <hal-01228714>


Titanium dioxide nanoparticles toxicology: towards more physiological in vitro exposure models?
Armand L, Biola-Clier M, Dilger M, Muelhopt S, Schlager C, Collin-Faure V, Paur HR, Diabate S, Weiss C, Herlin-Boime N, et al.
Comm. Orale: 4th International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials Nanosafe 2014 (Grenoble, France, November 18-20, 2014)

Impact de nanoparticules de TiO2 sur la réparation de l'ADN dans des cellules pulmonaires en culture
Armand L, Biola-Clier M, Herlin-Boime N, Rabilloud T, Douki T and Carrière M
Comm. Poster: Colloque ARET - SFTG 2014 : Eco-Géno-Toxicologie des nanomatériaux (Paris, France, June 3-4, 2014)

Impact of TiO2 nanoparticles on DNA repair in A549 and BEAS-2B epithelial pulmonary cells
Biola-Clier M, Armand L, Gaillard J, Armengaud J, Herlin-Boime N, Douki T and Carrière M
Comm. Poster: Nanotox 2014 (Antalya, Turkey, 23-26 April 14)

Mechanisms of TiO2 nanoparticles genotoxicity: impact on DNA repair in, A549 and BEAS-2B Epithelial Pulmonary Cells
Biola-Clier M, Jugan ML, Armand L, Gaillard J, Armengaud J, Sauvaigo S, Herlin-Boime N, Douki T and Carrière M
Comm. Poster: 4th International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials Nanosafe 2014 (Grenoble, France, November 18-20, 2014)

Genotoxicité des nanoparticules
Bobyk L and Carrière M
Comm. Poster: Colloque ARET - SFTG 2014 : Eco-Géno-Toxicologie des nanomatériaux (Paris, France, June 3-4, 2014)

Transfert de nanoparticules de TiO2 à travers la barrière gastro-intestinale et effets toxiques associés
Brun E, Barreau F, Dorier M, Veronesi G, Herlin-Boime N and Carrière M
Comm. Orale: Colloque ARET - SFTG 2014 : Eco-Géno-Toxicologie des nanomatériaux (Paris, France, June 3-4, 2014)

PTCH1 mutations and Sonic Hedgehog pathway deregulation impairs specifically base excision repair in Gorlin’s fibroblasts
Charazac A, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S, Douki T and Rachidi W
Comm. Orale: 41st Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society ERR2014 (Rhodes, Greece, September 14-19, 2014)

Impact de polluants environnementaux nanoparticulaires TIO2 sur les fonctions et la physiologie gastro-intestinale
Dorier M
Comm. Poster: Rencontres ADEME (Angers, France, February 03-05, 2014)

E171 food additive and titanium dioxide nanoparticule toxicity on intestine cell models
Dorier M, Brun E, Barreau F, Herlin-Boime N and Carriere M
Comm. Poster: 4th International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials Nanosafe 2014 (Grenoble, France, November 18-20, 2014)

Impact of the methylation site of cytosine on the formation of bipyrimidine photoproducts
Douki T, Bérard I and Wack A
Comm. Orale: 37th Meeting of the American Society for Photobiology (San Diego, USA, 14-19 June 14)

Nanostructures hybrides à base d'ADN pour l'étude des altérations génétiques
Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: Colloque "NanoHybrides 11' (Université Cergy-Pontoise et ENS Cachan, 2-5 June 14)

Molecular nanoBeacons immobilized on magnetic beads to target DNA repair activities
Gines G, Saint-Pierre C and Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 21th Round Table on Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids: Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids (Poznan, Poland, August 24-28, 2014)

Regio-selectivity in organic chemistry: some insights from local electronegativity
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université des Iles Baléares, Palma, Espagne, 19 February 2014)

Synthesis of the spore photoproduct and structural analigs
Hamon N, Gasparutto D, Douki T and Atta M
Comm. Poster: 21th Round Table on Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids: Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids (August 24-28, 2014, August 24-28, 2014)

Triggering the apoptosis of targeted cancer cells by the mechanical vibrations of synthetic antiferromagnetic or vortex microparticles
Leulmi S, Joisten H, Dietsch T, Iss C, Morcrette M, Sabon P, Carrière M, Hou-Broutin Y, Ortiz G, Chauchet X, et al.
Comm. Orale: Intermag Conference (Dresden, Germany, May 04-08, 2014)

Chemistry of complexe DNA lesions induced by a single oxidation event
Ravanat JL and Silerme S
Comm. Invitée: 13th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Cambridge, MA, June 14-18, 2014)

Fate of metallic nanoparticles in cellular models: dissolution, speciation and complexation in cellulo probed by synchrotron-based techniques
Veronesi G, Brun E, Gallon T, Cuillel M, Charbonnier P, Rollin-Genetet F, Vidaud C, Delangle P, Aude-Garcia C, Rabilloud T, et al.
Comm. Orale: 4th International Conference on Safe production and use of nanomaterials Nanosafe 2014 (Grenoble, France, November 18-20, 2014)


Evaluation of the protective efficacy of a new sunscreen formulation against solar radiation-induced DNA damage and apoptosis in a reconstructed human epidermis
Bacqueville D, Duprat L, Douki T, Dromigny H, Guiraud B, Bessou-Touya S and Duplan H
Comm. Poster: International Investigative Dermatology Meeting (Edinburgh, Scotland, May 8-11, 2013 )

Time course study of sulphur mustard induced DNA damages in the hairless SKH-1 mice
Batal M, Boudry I, Mouret S, Cléry-Barraud C and Douki T
Comm. Poster: 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Toxicology (San Antonio, TX, March 10–14, 201)

Impact of TiO2 nanoparticles on DNA repair in the A549 alveolar pulmonary celle line
Biola-Clier M, Jugan M, Armand L, Gaillard J, Armengaud J, Herlin-Boime N, Douki T and Carrière M
Comm. Poster: 4ème Congrès National de la Société Française Santé et Environnement : Cancer et Environnement (Lyon, France, November 28-29, 2013)

DNA binding of the p21 repressor ZBTB2 is inhibited by cytosine hydroxymethylation
Breton J
Comm. German-French DNA repair meeting on Epigenetics and Genome Integrity (Illkirch, France, 7-10 octobre 2013)

Innovation en diagnostic in vitro
Breton J
Comm. 10èmes Journées Scientifiques d'Internat et de Résidanat (Rabat, Morocco, 26-27 avril 2013)

Introduction au secteur économique du diagnostic in vitro
Breton J
Comm. 10èmes Journées Scientifiques d'Internat et de Résidanat (Rabat, Morocco, 26-27 avril 2013)

Les biopuces appliquées au diagnostic biomédical
Breton J
Comm. 10èmes Journées Scientifiques d'Internat et de Résidanat (Rabat, Morocco, 26-27 avril 2013)

Etude par RPE de systèmes contenant des nanoparticules de semi-conducteurs : informations obtenues sur les dopants, les ligands, et les réactions de transfert d'électron
Chauviré T, Gambarelli S, Ollagnier S, Gasparutto D, Kintz H, Lecomte Y, Sublemontier O and Maurel V
Comm. Poster: Journées de la Division Chimie-Physique (SCF/SFP) de Grenoble - du côté Nano (Autrans, France, August 28-30, 2013)

Formation et réparation des domages de l'ADN induits par le rayonnement ultraviolet : implication en photoprotection
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Journées Végétales : Les innovations grenobloises pour la Cosmétique (Grenoble, France, August 29, 2013)

Sunbeds us: What are the biological consequences to the skin ?
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 8th World Congress of Melanoma (Hambourg, Germany, July 17-20, 2013)

Photosensitized triplet-triplet energy transfer in DNA: Formation of cytosine-containing cyclobutane dimers
Douki T
Comm. Orale: 15ème Congrès de la Société Européene de Photobiologie (Liège, Belgium, September 2-6, 2013)

Etudes in vitro de la génotoxicité des Hydrocarbures Aromatiques Polycycliques : de l'importance du modèle cellulaire
Douki T, Genies C, Tarantini A and Maitre A
Comm. Poster: 4ème congrès national de la SFSE "Cancer et Environnment : Approche interdisciplinaire édceis (Lyon, France, November 28-29, 2013)

Sondes nucléiques supportées sur billes magnétiques pour la détection spécifique d'activités de réparation de l'ADN par cytométrie en flux
Gines G, Saint-Pierre C and Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: Journée Rhône-Alpes des Biomolécules 2013 (Lyon, France, June 07, 2013)

Theoretical decomposition of asynchronous concerted mechanisms
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: 39th Congress of Theoretical Chemistry of Latin Expression (Granada, Spain, July 3, 2013)

Comparaison de l’autopolarisation/dispersion de particules magnétiques antiferromagnétiques synthétiques et vortex pour la destruction de cellules cancéreuses par vibrations de quelques Hz
Leulmi S, Dietsch T, Iss C, Hou-Broutin Y, Faure-Vincent J, Le Breton J-C, Sauvaigo S, Douki T, Joisten H, Sabon P, et al.
Comm. Poster: 15ème Colloque Louis Néel (Tours, France, March 19-22, 2013)

Comparison of self polarization effects in synthetic antiferromagnetic and vortex magnetic microparticles and their use for triggering cancer cells apoptosis
Leulmi S, Joisten H, Dietsch T, Iss C, Morcrette M, Sabon P, Carrière M, Hou-Broutin Y and Dieny B
Comm. Orale: 58th International Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (Denver, USA, November 4-8, 2013)

Formation of Complex DNA lesions generated by a one-electron oxidation reactions
Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: Meeting of COST CM1201 Action: Biomimetic Radical Chemistry (Athens, Greece, October 13-18, 2013)

Radiation quality and DNA damage: Chemical aspects
Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: DOREMI workshop on Radiation Quality (Brussels, Belgium, 9-10 July 2013)

Recent aspects of radiation-induced DNA lesions
Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: Meeting of COST CM1201 Action: Biomimetic Radical Chemistry (Bologna, Italy, 5-7 May 2013)

Chemical aspects of radiation-induced DNA lesions
Ravanat JL, Breton J, Gasparutto D, Grand A, Rachidi W and Sauvaigo S
Comm. Orale: 40th European Radiation Research Society Meeting (Dublin, Ireland, September 01-05, 2013)

Pontages ADN-polyamines, des marqueurs de l'effet direct du rayonnement ?
Silerme S and Ravanat J
Comm. Orale: 11ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (La Grande Motte, France, October 6-10, 2013)

DNA protein and DNA polyamine crosslinks generated upon one electron oxidation of DNA
Silerme S, Taverna Porro M, Saint-Pierre C, Cuier C and Ravanat J
Comm. Orale: 6th European Young Investigator Conference EYIC 2013 (Slubice, Poland, June 26-30, 2013)


Etude des interactions protéines / cyclonucléosides. Résultats préliminaires obtenus à partir de l'enzyme Fpg
Barbier E, Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D, Breton J
Comm. Orale: Forum de la Société Française de Toxicologie Génétique (Rennes, France, 24-25 May 2012)

Study of protein / cyclonucleosides interactions. preliminary results otained with th Fpg enzyme
Barbier E, Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D, Breton J
Comm. Poster: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

Accurate quantification of mustard gas adducts to DNA by HPLC-mass spectrometry: an analytical challenge
Batal M, Boudry I, Mouret S, Cléry-Barraud C, Douki T
Comm. Poster: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

Etude au cours du temps de la formation et de la réparation des dommages à l’ADN causés par l’ypérite dans la peau de souris sans poils SKH-1
Batal M, Boudry I, Mouret S, Cléry-Barraud C, Douki T
Comm. Poster: Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie (Toulouse, France, November 29-30, 2012)

DNA repair biochip-based screening to identify glycosylase/AP endonuclease inhibitors: from the concept to the identification of effective molecules
Belmont AS, Forestier A, Pons B, Jacquard S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: American Association for Cancer Research Annuel Meeting (Chicago, USA, March 31-April 4, 2012)

Cartography of proteins interacting with DNA modifications
Breton J
Comm. Orale: 8ème rencontre Plasticité et Instabilité des Génomes PIG-8 (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 15-16 November 2012)

Tools and strategies for DNA damage interactome analysis
Breton J
Comm. Orale: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

Translocation of nano-TiO2 through the gastrointestinal barrier: from in vitro to in vivo models.
Brun E, Herlin N, Veronesi G, Fayard B, Flank A-M, Sorieul S, Carriere M
Comm. Orale: 6th International Conference on Nanotoxicology (Beijing, China, September 4-7, 2012)

In vitro, ex vivo and in vivo translocation of titanium dioxide nanoparticules through the gastrointestinal barrier, toxicological consequences
Brun E, Herlin-Boime N, Veronesi G, Fayard B, Flank A-M, Carrière M
Comm. Orale: Nanosafe 2012 (Grenoble, france, 13-15 November 2012)

Titanium dioxide nanoparticle uptake and impact on gastro-intestinal and lung models
Brun E, Veronesi G, Flank A-M, Sorieul S, Jaillard D, Herlin N, Carrière M
Comm. Invitée: Soleil users' Meeting Satellite Workshop (Saint-Aubin, France, January 16-17, 2012)

An interlaboratory study: MTT and LDH assays for assessing in vitro cytotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials.
Costa C, Bonassi S, Carriere M, Coskun E, Dhawan A, Engin AB, Fernandez-Tajes J, Fuchs D, Karahalil B, Laffon B, Pandey A, Schroecksnadel S, Teixeira JP, Valdiglesias V, Herlin N
Comm. Poster: 6th International Conference on Nanotoxicology (Beijing, China, September 4-7, 2012)

MTT and LDH interlaboratory assays for assessing in vitro cytotoxicity of engineered nanomaterials
Costa C, Teixera J-P, Dhawan A, Pandey A, Laffon B, Fernandez-Tajes J, Valdiglesias V, Fuchs D, Schroecksnadel S, Carrière M, Bonassi S, Engin A-B, Coskun E, Karahalil B, Herlin-Boime N
Comm. Poster: Nanosafe 2012 (Grenoble, France, November 13-15, 2012)

Recent advances in the formation of UV-induced DNA damage
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Conference on UV-radiation induced disease: roles of UVA and UVB (Stockholm, Sweden, May 24-26, 2012)

Factors modulating the photochemistry of isolated DNA in aqueous solution
Douki T, Mouret S, Markovitsi D, Banyasz A
Comm. Poster: SFBBM-SFB Congress: From molecular mechanisms to integrated life process (Grenoble, France, November 21-23, 2012)

Respective contribution of oxidative and direct DNA damage to the genotoxicity of UVA
Douki T, Ravanat JL, Mouret S, Sage E, Béani J-C, Leccia M-T, Markovitsi D, Banyasz A
Comm. Invitée: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

Detection of DNA Modifications and Enzymatic Repair Activities Based on a Multiple Spin-Labeling Strategy coupled with PELDOR Analysis
Flaender M, Sicoli G, Aci-Seche S, Reignier T, Maurel V, Saint-Pierre C, Boulard Y, Gambarelli S, Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: 20th International Round Table on Nucleosides and Nucleic Acids (Montréal, Canada, 5-9 August 2012)

A Triple Spin-labelling Strategy coupled with PELDOR Analysis to detect DNA Modifications and Enzymatic Repair
Flaender M, Sicoli G, Aci-Seche S, Reignier T, Maurel V, Saint-Pierre C, Boulard Y, Gambarelli S, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

Drastically different genotoxic properties of benzo(a)pyrene in human cell lines from target organs
Genies C, Maitre A, Tarantini A, Lefbvre E, Chopard-Lallier M, Douki T
Comm. Poster: 48th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology Eurotox (Stockholm, Sweden, June 17-20, 2012)

Drastically different genotoxic properties of benzo(a)pyrene in two human cell lines
Genies C, Maitre A, Tarantini A, Lefbvre E, Choppard-Lallier M, Douki T
Comm. Poster: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

Nanostructures d'ADN supportées sur billes magnétiques : de nouveaux outils senseurs des systèmes de réparation de l'ADN applicables au screening d'inhibiteurs
Gines G, Flaender M, Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: 19èmes Journées Jeunes Chercheurs de la Société de Chimie Thérapeutique (Romainville, France, February 2-3, 2012)

Cytosine! What Else ?
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université Catolica "La Pontificia, Santiago du Chili, Chili, 4 May 2012)

Estudio de un Mecanismo de reacion con Herramienta de la Quimica Cuentica
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université de Grenade, Grenade, Espagne, 15 February 2012)

How the theoretical Chemistry can help the Experimental Chemistry (I)
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université Pedro de Valdivia, Antofagasta, Chili, 25-26 April 2012)

Regio-selectivity in organic chemistry: some insights from local electronegativity
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université de Göteborg, Göteborg, Suède, 4 October 2012)

Regio-selectivity in organic chemistry: some insights from local electronegativity
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université de Florence, Florence, Italie, 7 November 2012)

Regio-selectivity in organic chemistry: some insights from local electronegativity
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: 38th Congress of Theoretical Chemistry of Latin Expression (Natal, Brésil, 6 December 2012)

Photo-induced charge carrier in bio-inspired and self-organized Donor-Acceptor (D/A) heterojunctions
Ingato D, Gasparutto D, Pepin-Donat B, Rannou P
Comm. Poster: 5th Annual Frontiers at the Chemistry-Biology Interface Symposium (Philadelphia, USA, April 28, 2012)

Identification of human proteins interacting with 5-hydroxymethylcytosine residues in DNA
Lafaye C, Miscioscia A, Kraut A, Coute Y, Gasparutto D, Ravanat JL, Breton J
CSC Symposium: “Epigenetic regulation from mechanism to intervention” (London, UK, 20-22 juin 2012)

Identification of human proteins interacting with 5-hydromethylcytosine esidues on DNA
Lafaye C, Miscioscia A, Kraut A, Coute Y, Ravanat JL, Gasparutto D, Breton J
Comm. Orale: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

TiO2 nanoparticle and multi-walled carbon nanotube impact and bioaccumulation in wheat and rapeseed.
Larue C, Herlin N, Fayard B, Flank A-M, Khodja H, Carriere M
Comm. Poster: 6th International Conference on Nanotoxicology (Beijing, China, September 4-7, 2012)

MWCNT accumulation during hydroponic exposure of wheat and rapeseed: quatification and distribution
Larue C, Pinault M, Czarby B, Georgin D, Flahaut E, Bendiab N, Mayne-L'Hermite M, Dive V, Taran F, Carrière M
Comm. Orale: Nanosafe 2012 (Grenoble, France, 13-15 November 2012)

Regioselectivity in organic chemistry: Some insights from local electronegativity
Morell C, Ayers P, Toro-Labbe A, Chermette H
Comm. Orale: Quantum Systems in Physics Chemistry (Turku, Finland, 19-25 August 2012)

Recent aspects of radiation-induced DNA lesions
Ravanat J
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (John Hopskin Hospital Department of Chemistry, Baltimore, USA, 27 September 2012)

Radiation-induced formation of complex DNA lesions
Ravanat J, Taverna Porro M
Comm. Invitée: 12th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Prague, Czech Republic, June 2-7, 2012)

Possible role of oxidative stress on epigenetic DNA modifications
Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: COST Action TD0905 "Epigenetic: Brench to Bedside" (Riga, Latvia, April 26-27, 2012)

Radiation induced formation of complex DNA lesions
Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: 58th Annual Meeting Radiation Research Society (San-Juan, Porto-Rico, 30 September-3 October 2012)

Formation of 2-OH-8-oxoAdenine lesion within DNA oligomers via one-electron oxidation of 8-oxoAdenine: Characterization, stability and excision repair
Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

DNA-protein and DNA-polyamine crosslinks generated upon one electron oxidation of DNA
Silerme S
Comm. Orale: 9th CERLIB Winter Research Conference on DNA Damage: formation repair health consequences and industrial issues (Les Houches, France, March 11-16, 2012)

DNA-protein and DNA-polyamine crosslinks generated upon one electron oxidation of DNA
Silerme S, Ravanat JL
12th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Prague, Czech Republic, June 2-7, 2012)


Contribution of damaged-DNA binding protein2 (DDB2) to recognition and repair of bulky DNA adducts generated by UV-B and platinating agents
Barbier E, Du Puch CBM, Morand L, Mouret S, Kraut A, Couté Y, Livache T, Gasparutto D, Douki T, Becuwe P, Breton J
Comm. Orale: 41st European Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting (Barcelone, Spain, July 4-7, 2011)

Translocation of TiO2 nanoparticles through different models of gastrointestinal epithelium
Carrière M, Brun E, Jaillard D, Sorieul S, Fayard B, Flank A M, Mabondzo A, Herlin-Boime N
Comm. Poster: 47th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology - EUROTOX2011 (Paris, France, August 28-31, 2011)

TiO2 nanoparticles exhibit genotoxicity and impair both NER and BER DNA repairpathways in A549 cells
Carrière M, Jugan M L, Barillet S, Simon-Deckers A, Sauvaigo S, Douki T, Herlin-Boime N
Comm. Orale: 47th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology - EUROTOX2011 (Paris, France, August 28-31, 2011)

Titanium dioxide nanoparticles impact and bioaccumulation in wheat rapeseed
Carrière M, Larue C, Fayard B, Flank A-M, Brisset F, Khodja K, Herlin-Boime N
Comm. Invitée: International conference on occupational and environmental health 2011 (Porto, Portugal, October 17-19, 2011)

Dispersion of aerosyl P25 TiO2 nanoparticles in media of biological interest for the culture of eukaryotic cells.
Casanova A, Carriere M, Herlin N
Comm. Invitée: International symposium on the safe use of nanomaterials (Lucknow, India, February 1-3, 2011)

Selenium supplementation specifically stimulates the repair of oxidative DNA damage
De Rosa V, Pinar E, Filiz H, Alan D, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Orale: 4th International Symposium Nutrition Oxygen Biology and Medicine Free Radicals Nutrition and Aging : From Fundamental Aspects To Clinical Applications (Paris, France, June 15-17, 2011)

Peau et rayonnement ultraviolet : réévaluation de la génotoxicité des UVA dans des explants cutanés humains
Douki T, Mouret S, Béani J-C, Sage E, Leccia M-T, Castex-Rizzi N
Comm. Invité: Colloque de la société de Pharmaco-toxicologie cellulaire (Toulouse, France, May 5, 2011)

The specificity of UV-induced DNA damage in human melanocytes
Douki T, Mouret S, Forestier A
Comm. Orale: 14th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Greneva, Switzerland, September 1 - 6, 2011)

Génotoxicité du rayonnement ultraviolet : impact respectif des UVB et des UVA
Douki T, Mouret S, Sage E, Béani J-C
Comm. Invité: Colloque de la Société Française de Radioprotection (Paris, France, January 10, 2011)

Alzheimer's disease-associated neurotixic peptide amyloid-b impairs base excision repair in human neuroblastoma cells
Forestier A, Douki T, Sauvaigo S, Rosa VD, Masson-Genteuil G, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: Neurodegenerative Diseases: The Molecular and cellular Basis for Neurodegeneration (Taos, NM, February 21-26, 2011)

Non additivité de l'effet génotoxique des HAPs atmosphérique dans des modèles cellulaires humains
Genies C, Tarantini A, Lefbvre E, Maître A, Douki T
Comm. Orale: Colloque ADEBIOTECH / INERIS : évaluation des expositions de l’Homme via son environnement : nouveaux outils et aide à la décision (Romainville, France, November 15-16, 2011)

On support fluorescent assays based on functionalized oligonucléotides to monitor specific DNA repair activities
Gines G, Flaender M, Desiron C, Saint-Pierre C, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 15th Symposium on Chemistry of Nucleic Acid Components (Cesky Krumlov, Czech Republic, June 5-10, 2011)

Theoretical Study of Some DNA Damages
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université Pedro de Valdivia, Santiago, Chili, 18 April 2011)

Excited states and reactivity of DNA double helices in the UVA spectral domain
Markovitsi D, Banyasz A, Vayá I, Changenet-Barret P, Gustavsson T, Douki T, D. M, et al.
Comm. Invitée: International Conference on Photochemistry (Beijing, China, August 08-12, 2011)

Application of the Electron Density Force to Chemical Reactivity
Morell C, Ayers P W, Grand A, Chermette H
Comm. Poster: 9th Congress of the World Association of Theoretical and Computational Chemists - WATOC 2011 (Santiago de Compostella, Spain, July 17-22, 2011)

Activités enzymatiques de réparation de l'ADN comme biomarqueur d'exposition à des génotoxiques exemples de l'âge et de la photo-exposition
Prunier C, Masson-Genteuil G, Sarrazy F, Ugolin N, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: Colloque ADEBIOTECH / INERIS : évaluation des expositions de l’Homme via son environnement : nouveaux outils et aide à la décision (Romainville, France, November 15-16, 2011)

DNA repair functionality phenotyping: Omic approach for the analysis of the effect of aging and photoexposure on specific repair pathways using fibroblasts extracts form a population of volunteers
Prunier C, Masson-Genteuil G, Ugolin N, Sarrazy F, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 41st European Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting (Barcelona, Spain, July 4-7, 2011)

Radiation-induced DNA damage in mammalian cells - novel type of lesions
Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: 14th International Congress of Radiation Research (Warsaw, Poland, , August 28-September 1, 2011)

Trente années de recherche sur les lésions radio-induites de l'ADN
Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: Colloque de Chimie sour Rayonnement : l'héritage de Marie Curie (Saclay, France, November 15-16, 2011)

Response of cell lines to genotoxic chemotherapeutic agents: a new classification according to DNA repair phenotype. Predictive of toxicity/efficacy ?
Sarrazy F, Forestier A, pons B, Belmont A-S, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 41st European Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting (Barcelona, Spain, July 4-7, 2011)

Excitation transfer in natural DNA
Vayá I, Gustavsson T, Miannay F-A, Douki T, Markovitsi D, I. V, et al.
Comm. Orale: 23ème Réunion Biennale de la Société Royale de Chimie (Valence, Spain, July 24-28, 2011)


5-Iodo-2'-Deoxyuridine in combination with Synchrotron Radiation: in vitro studies
Bobyk B, Ravanat JL, Elleaume H
Comm. Poster: Medical Applications of Synchrotron Radiation (Melbourne, Australie, 15-18 February2010)

Optimisation of radiosensitizing effect of iododeoxyuridine using synchrotron radiation
Bobyk L, Ravanat JL, Elleaume H
Comm. Orale: Workshop Biology of Ionizing Radiation (Ile Berder, France, 22-25 September 2010)

Optimisation of radosensitizing effect of iododeoxyuridine using sunchrotron radiation
Bobyk L, Ravanat JL, Elleaume H
Comm. Orale: 11th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Atlanta, USA, 15-19 May 2010)

Analyse de l’interactome des lésions de l’ADN générées par les dérivés du platine.
Breton J
6èmes rencontres Plasticité et Intégrité du Génôme PIG-6 (Grenoble, France, 8-9 novembre 2010)

Effect of selenium on lethal and genotoxic properties of oxidative stress
De Rosa V, Diamond A, Favier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: 5èmes Journées Scientifiques du CLARA (Lyon, France, 30-31 March 2010)

Effect of selenium on lethal and genotoxic UV irradiation and its role on DNA repair system
De Rosa V, Diamond A M, Favier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: Colloque commun des Sociétés françaises et Italienne de photobiologie (Paris, France, 25-26 October 2010)

La grande diversité des lésions oxydatives de l’ADN
Douki T
Colloque Annuel de la Société Française de Toxicologie Génétique (Villejuif, France, 05 May 2010)

Pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers in DNA: do we know everything after 50 years ?
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Colloque commun des Sociétés françaises et Italienne de photobiologie (Paris, France, 25-26 October 2010)

UV-induced damage to DNA: from the initial chemical modifications to repair and mutagenesis
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Summer school of the European Society for Photobiology (Bresannone, Italy, June 21-26, 2010)

Génotoxicité du rayonnement ultraviolet : impact respectif des UVB et des UVA
Douki T, Mouret S, Béani J-C
Comm. Invitée: Journée "Effets biologiques et sanitaires des rayonnements non-ionisants" (Amiens, France, 19 October 2010)

UVA-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers: from test tube experiments to a clinical study
Douki T, Mouret S, Cadet J, Favier A, Sage E, Béani JC, Markovitsi D, Banyasz A
Comm. Invitée: 35th Meeting of the American Society for Photobiology (Providence, USA, 12-16 June 2010)

Proteomics and SPRi biochips: application to the screening of proteins interacting with DNA lesions induced by platinum antitumor compounds
Du Puch CBM, Coute Y, Kraut A, Favier A, Seve M, Livache T, Gasparutto D, Sauvaigo S, Breton J
Comm. Poster: 5èmes Journées Scientifiques du CLARA (Lyon, France, 30-31 March 2010)

Biomolecular tools to identify members of the platinated DNA interactome
Du Puch CBM, Pietras E, Kraut A, Couté Y, Fuchs J, Livache T, Gasparutto D, Sauvaigo S, Breton J
Comm. Orale: 12th International meeting of the Society for Biochromatography and Nanoseparations (Ecully, France, 19-22 October 2010)

Biocapteurs à ADN pour l'analyse des systèmes de réparation : Conception et application de nouvelles sondes auto-complémenatires fluorescentes
Flaender M, Costa G, Nonglaton G, Saint-Pierre C, Delapierre G, Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: Journée Rhône-Alpes des Biomolécules (Grenoble, France, June 3, 2012)

Biocapteurs à ADN pour l'analyse des systèmes de réparation : conception et application de nouvelles sondes auto-complémentaires fluorescentes
Flaender M, Costa G, Nonglaton G, Saint-Pierre C, Delapierre G, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 5èmes Journées Scientifiques du CLARA (Lyon, France, 30-31 March 2010)

Oligonucleotide microarrays elaboration using a click chemistry approach: applications to DNA repair activities detection
Flaender M, Costa G, Nonglaton N, Saint-Pierre C, Delapierre G, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 20th Anniversary World Congress on Biosensors (Glasgow, UK, May 26-28, 2010)

Etudes par spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF d'activités enzymatiques d'excision et de réplication des lésions de l'ADN
Flaender M, Saint-Pierre C, Michel T, Félix C, Gines G, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: Journée Rhône-Alpes des Biomolécules (Grenoble, France, June 3, 2012)

Alzheimer's disease-associated neurotoxic peptide Ab impairs the DNA repair
Forestier A, De Rosa V, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: Two Faces of Evil Cancer and Neurodegeneration (Paris, France, 26 April 2010)

Ingénierie chimique et biochimique des lésions de l'ADN : de la conception aux applications
Gasparutto D
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (CNRS-IFREMER, Brest, France, 25 March 2010)

Synthesis and biological assessment of N7-and O6-hydroxyalkylated-guanine containing oligonucleotides
Gasparutto D, Cadet J, Michel T, Saint-Pierre C, Villien M
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (Université Aix-Marseille 2, France, 3 March 2010)

Multi-colour profluorecent DNA probes to analyse enzymatic repair activities in multiplexed and real time homogeneous assays
Gasparutto D, Chollat-Namy A, Desiron C, Félix C, Flaender M, Gines G, Saint-Pierre C
Comm. Poster: International Round Table on Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids IRT 2010 (Lyon, France, 29 August -3 September 2010)

The Cytosine deamination: A Theoretical Study
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: RED de Quimica Teorica para Medio Ambiente y Salud (Cetro, Italie 27 June 2010)

Response of cancer cell lines to chemotherapeutic drugs: DNA repair phenotyping as an early cell- and drug-specific exposure marker
Guy J, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 21st Meeting of the European Association Cancer Research (Oslo, Norway, 26-29 June 2010)

Response of cancer cell lines to chemotherapeutic drugs: DNA repair versus toxicity as an early exposure marker
Guy J, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 5èmes Journées Scientifiques du CLARA (Lyon, France, 30-31 March 2010)

EXEO - Une résidence artistique dans un centre de recherche
Legembre V, Sauvaigo S, Planès J
Comm. Invitée: Images et mirages @ nanosciences (Toulouse, France 8-10 December 2010)

Human skin responses to low dose ionizing radiation
Menneteau M, Damour O, Diserbo M, Rachidi W
Comm. Orale: 9th Lowrad International Conference 2010 (Barcelone, Spain, 13-15 December 2010)

Evaluation of sunscreens photoprotection against cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers on ex vivo human skin model exposed to UVB or UVA radiation
Mouret S, Bogdanowicz P, Haure M, Castex-Rizzi N, Douki T
Comm. Poster: Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology (Atlanta, USA, 5-8 May 10)

Inhibition of TET2 Conversion of 5-Methylcytosine to 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine Disturbs Myelopoiesis and Granulo-Monocytic Differentiation
Pronier E, Almire C, Mor B, Simon A, Masse A, Mokrani H, Casadevall N, Ravanat JL, Solary E, Vainchenker W, Plo I, Delhommeau F
Comm. Poster: 52nd Annual Meeting of the American-Society-of-Hematology ASH (Orlando, Florida, 04-07 December 2010)
Dommages de l'ADN induites par les espèces réactives de l'oxygène
Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: Réunion GDR AbioPlas (Orléans, France, 17-19 November 2010)

The measurment of cellular levels of oxidatively generated DNA lesions, an analytical challenge
Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research (Oslo, Norway, 12-18 September 2010)

Dommages radio-induits de l'ADN, aspects moléculaires
Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: Journée thématique Melusyn-Etoile : Hadronthérapie (Lyon, France, 15 October 2010)

Formation de dommages complexes de l'ADN impliquant qu'un seul évènement radicalaire
Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (ENS Lyon, France, 05 March 2010)

DNA peroxidation reactions produce a high proportion of tandem lesions refractory to repair by DNA glycosylases
Ravanat JL, Bergeron F, Auvre F, Radicella JP
Comm. Poster: 12th EUCHEM Conference on Organic Free Radicals (Bologna, Italy, 28 June - 2 July 2010)

Enhanced radiosensitization effect on F98 cells by the combined used of iomeron and 5-iodo-2'-deoxyuridine with low energies radiation
Ravanat J-L, Bobyk L, Elleaume H
Comm. Invitée: International Worksop on Radiosensitization (Orsay, France, 2-3 December 2010)

A simple tool to interrogate the complex cellular response to DNA damage
Sauvaigo S
Comm. Orale: Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research (Oslo, Norway, 12-18 September 2010)


Use of multiplex oligonucleotide cleavage assay on support for selection of DNA repair inhibitors by robotic screening of chemical libraries
Belmont A S, Barette C, Sapey-Triomphe L, Pons B, Caillat S, Lafanechère L, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens ICEM (Florence, Italy, 20-25 August 2009)

Monitoring small molecule impact on cell repair capability using lesion containiing oligonucleotide microarrays
Belmont A-S, Pons B, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Orale: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Monitoring small molecules impact on cell repair capability using lesion containing oligonucleotide microarrays
Belmont A-S, Pons B, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 4èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (CLARA) (Archamps, France, 24-25 March 2009)

Tandem lesions involving 8-oxo-purines in isolated DNA and polynucleotides: quantitation and mechanism of formation
Bergeron F, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Orale: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

5-Iodo-2'-Deoxyuridine in combination with Synchrotron Radiation: in vitro studies
Bobyk L
Comm. Orale: ID 17 Day (Eybens, France, 15 December 2009)

Traitment des gliomes par chimio-radiothérapie. Essai préclinique
Bobyk L, Balosso J, Esteve F, Adam J-F, Deman P, Vautrin M, Besse S, Edouard M, Ravanat J-L, Elleaume H
Comm. Orale: 9ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (Servier, France, 20-25 September 2009)

Activities and affinities of enzyme preparartion used in the modified comet assay
Brunborg G, Chapuis V, Sauvaigo S, Gutzkow K, Olsen A-K, Duale N, Angelis K, Collins A
Comm. Orale: 2nd Copenhagen Workshop on DNA Oxidation (Copenhagen, Denmark, January 29-30, 2009)

Oxidatively generated single and clustered damage to cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: 3rd International Congress of Molecular Medicine (Istanbul, Turkey, 5-8 May 2009)

Effets du cadmium sur la réparation par excision/resynsthèse : analyse sur biopuces dédiées
Candéias S, Pons B, Viau M, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 8ème Colloque Recombinaison Réplication Réparation (Hyères, France, 19-22 May 2009)

Cadmium effects on DNA repair activities: Analysis on dedicated biochips
Candeias S, Pons B, Viau M, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 2nd German-French DNA Repair Meeting: DNA Damage and Repair in Agening and Degenerative (Konstanz, Germany, 20-23 September 2009)

Cadmium effects on DNA repair activities: Analysis on dedicated biochips
Candeias S, Pons B, Viau M, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens ICEM (Florence, Italy, 20-25 August 2009)

SPR imaging based assays to analyze DNA repair activities
Corne C, Fuchs J, Fiche J-B, Buhot A, Calemczuck R, Favier A, Livache T, Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: 4èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (CLARA) (Archamps, France, 24-25 March 2009)

The anticancer effect of selenium: study of its role in DNA repair activity and resistance to UVA
De Rosa V, Diamond A, Favier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Orale: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

The anticancer effect of selenium: study of its role in DNA repair activity and resistance to oxidative stress
De Rosa V, Nzengue Y, Diamond A, Favier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Orale: 6th Canadian oxidative stress conference (Winnipeg, Canada, 7-10 May 2009)

The anticancer effect of selenium: study of its role in DNA repair activity and resistance to oxidative stress
De Rosa V, Diamond A, Favier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: Gordon Research Conferences : Genetic Toxicology (New London, USA, 9-14 August 2009)

The anticancer effect of selenium: study of its role in DNA repair activity and resistance to oxidative stress.
De Rosa V, Nzengue Y, Diamond A, Favier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: 4èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (CLARA) (Archamps, France, 24-25 March 2009)

Différentes approches pour la caractérisation des dommages de l’ADN
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Journée du Club Lyonnais de Chromatographie (Lyon, France, Decembre 19, 2009)

The DNA damaging properties of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal, a major product of lipid peroxidation, in human cells
Douki T, Falletti O
Comm. Invitée: 13th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Wroclaw, Poland, 5-11 September 2009)

Lesion- and cell type-dependent repair of pyrimidine dimers in human skin and cultured keratinocytes and fibroblasts
Douki T, Mouret S, Cadet J, Favier A, Charveron M
Comm. Invitée: 13th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Wroclaw, Poland, 5-11 September 2009)

Design of a ligand-fishing method for the characterization of proteins associated to DNA lesions generated by cisplatin
Du Puch CBM, Chantegrel-Gracia J, Kuhn L, Favier A, Sève M, Sauvaigo S, Breton J
Comm. Poster: Workshop "Proteomic Characterization of Macromolecular Complexes Involved in DNA Metabolism (Trieste, Italy, 20-22 May 2009)

Design of a ligand-fishing method for the characterization of proteins associated to DNA lesions generated by cisplatin
Du Puch CBM, Chantegrel-Gracia J, Kuhn L, Favier A, Sève M, Sauvaigo S, Breton J
Comm. Poster: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Proteomics and SPR imaging applied to platinated DNA interactome studies
Du Puch CBM, Fuchs J, Guais E, Kraut A, Favier A, Sève M, livache T, Becuwe P, Gasparutto D, Sauvaigo S, Breton J
Comm. Orale: 10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens ICEM (Florence, Italy, 20-25 August 2009)

Oligonucleotide microarrays elaboration using a click chemistry approach: applications to mismatches and DNA activities detection
Flaender M, Costa G, Nonglaton G, Saint-Pierre C, Delapierre G, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: Ecole thématique interdisciplinaire CNRS "Sciences de la miniaturisation et biologie" (Grenoble, France, 8-12 June 2009)

Oligonucleotide microarrays elaboration using a click chemsitry approach: appliactions to mismatches and DNA repair activities detection
Flaender M, Costa G, Nonglaton G, Saint-Pierre C, Delapierre G, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens ICEM (Florence, Italy, 20-25 August 2009)

Pulsed EPR structural analyses of DNA damages caused by platinum anticancer agents
Flaender M, Sicoli G, Aci S, Boulard Y, Gambarelli S, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 4èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole Rhône-Alpes Auvergne CLARA (Archamps, France, 24-25 March 2009)

Pulsed EPR structural analyse of DNA damages caused by platinum anticancer agents
Flaender M, Sicoli G, Aci S, Saint-Pierre C, Boulard Y, Gambarelli S, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Amyloid-b secretion impairs the DNA repair system
Forestier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: Gene Expression in Neuronal Disease (Cardiff, UK, 16-18 July 2009)

La sécrétion du peptide amyloïde-b entraine une augmentation des dommages de l'ADN ainsi qu'une perturbation du système de réparation
Forestier A, Douki T, Rachidi W
Comm. Poster: 5ème rencontre Plasticité et Instabilité des Génomes PIG-5 (Marcoule, France, 5-6 November 2009)

Response of cancer cell lines to genotoxic drugs in relation to chemoresistance : DNA repair phenotyping using a functional multiplex miniaturized assay
Forestier A, Pons B, Belmont A S, Caillat S, Breton J, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Differential DNA repair response of cancer cells to chemotherpeutic drugs studied using a multiplex in vitro assay - Predictiv value ?
Forestier A, Pons B, Belmont A S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens ICEM (Florence, Italy, 20-25 August 2009)

Characterization of cancer cell lines DNA repair phenotypes in response to genotoxic drugs using functional multiplex biochip assay: clues for mechanisms involved in chemoresistance
Forestier A, Pons B, Belmont A-S, Caillat S, Breton J, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 100th Annual Meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (Denver, USA, 18-22 April 2009)

Probing lesion-induced DNA conformational changes by pulsed EPR
Gambarelli S, Gasparutto D, Sicoli G, Matthis G, Acci-Seche S, Flaender M, Maurel V, Boulard Y
Comm. Invitée: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

SPR imaging based assays to analyse DNA repair activities
Gasparutto D, Corne C, Fuchs J, Fiche J B, Buhot A, Calemczuk R, Favier A, Livache T
Journées du Cancéropole Rhône-Alpes Auvergne (CLARA) (Lyon, France, 1-2 April 09)

FRET and pulsed EPR spectroscopies to investigate biochemical and structural features of DNA lesions
Gasparutto D, Flaender M, Gambarelli S, Sicoli G
Comm. Poster: 13th European Congress on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules (Palerme, Italy, 28 August-02 September 2009)

Recent Results in Quantum Chemistry at LAN Laboratory
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Seminar (University UAM Iztapalapa, Mexico, Mexique, 17 December 2009)

On the use of reactivity indices derived from conceptual DFT to rationalize reactivity differences between DNA bases
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A, Eriksson L A, Barone V
Comm. Orale: 13th International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physical (Lyon, France, 31 August-4 September 2009)

Study of spontaneous deamination of cytosine by computational and conceptual DFT
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A, Eriksson L A, Toro-Labbé A
Comm. Orale: 13th International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physical (Lyon, France, 31 August-4 September 2009)

Study of the spontaneous deamination of cytosine by computational and conceptual DFT
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A, Eriksson L A, Toro-Labbé A
Comm. Orale: 4th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (Roscoff, France, 30 June - 3 July 2009)

Study of the spontaneous deamination of cytosine by computational and conceptual DFT
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A, Eriksson LA, Toro-Labbé A
DFT 2009 (Lyon, France, 31 August - 4 September 09)

Mécanisme concerté asynchrone : une étape élémentaire complexe – Exemple de la désamination de la cytosine
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A, Toro-Labbé A
Comm. Orale: Journée de Printemps de la section Rhône-Alpes de la Société Chimique de France (Lyon, France, June 11, 2009)

Characterization of the Chemical Behaviour of the First Excited State through a Local Chemical Potential
Morell C, Labet V, Grand A, Chermette H
Comm. Orale: 13th International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physical (Lyon, France, 31 August-4 September 2009)

Long UVA directly generate cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in isolated and cellular DNA
Mouret S, Philippe C, Gracia-Chantegrel J, Douki T
Comm. Poster: 39th Annual European Society for Dermatological Research (ESDR) Meeting (Budapest, Hungary, 9-12 September 2009)

DNA repair in skin fibroblasts as function of age chronic photo-exposure
Oddos T, Sauvaigo S, Odin F, Caillat S, Nkengne A, Bertin C
Comm. Poster: Society for Investigative Dermatology (Montréal, Canada, 6-9 May 2009)

Damaged-oligonucleotides biochip: a convient means to assess the DNA repair ability of any biological sample
Pons B, Belmont A-S, Forestier A, Chapuis V, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Phenotyping the DNA repair of cancer cell lines: Towards a better understanding of chemoresistance mechanisms
Pons B, Belmont A-S, Forestier A, Chapuis V, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 4èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole Rhône-Alpes Auvergne CLARA (Archamps, France, 24-25 March 2009)

Characterization of DNA repair phenotypes from XPA and XPc cell lines with an in vitro miniaturized test
Raffin A-L, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Formation et réparation de lésions tandem de l'ADN
Ravanat J-L
Comm. Orale: 9ème Colloque International de Radiobiologie Fondamentale et Appliquée (Servier, France, 20-25 September 2009)

HPLC coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, a suitable method for measuring cellular levels of oxidatively generated DNA lesion
Ravanat J-L, Bergeron F, Rousseau J, Cadet J, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 2nd Copenhagen Workshop on DNA Oxidation (Copenhagen, Denmark, January 29-30, 2009)

Complex DNA lesions generated subsequently to 2'-deoxyribose oxidation
Ravanat J-L, Regulus P, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Réparation de l'ADN : mesurer et agir.
Sauvaigo S
Comm. Orale: Salon du MEDEC (Paris, France, 11-13 March 2009)

Excision/synthesis capacities toward different DNA lesions using a functional biochip assay
Sauvaigo S, Caillat S, Odin F, Nkengne A, Oddos T, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

HPLC-mass spectrometry analysis and Comt assay measurements of DNA damage induced by benzo[a]pyrene
Tarantini A, Maitre A, Marie C, Ravanat J-L, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 8th Winter Research Conferences : Oxidative DNA Damage: From Chemical Aspects to Biological Consequences (Les Houches, France, 17-23 January 2009)

Synthesis, characterization and mutagenic properties of N7-guanine adducts fomed by expoxides
Villien M, Saint-Pierre C, Cadet J, Gasparutto D, Philippin G, Fuchs R-P
Comm. Poster: 10th International Conference on Environmental Mutagens ICEM (Florence, Italy, 20-25 August 2009)


Radiation-induced formation of purine cyclonucleosides in DNA: effects of oxygen in model studies and measurement in cells
Belmadoui N, Baussicault F, Duroux B, Ravanat J L, Chatgilialoglu C, Cadet J
Comm. Orale: 10th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Tokyo, Japon, 8-12 June 08)

Monitoring small molecule impact on cell repair capability using lesion containing oligonucleotide microarrays
Belmont A S, Pons B, Claudet C, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 38th European Environmental Mutagen Society Annual Meeting EEMS (Cavtat, Croatie, 21-25 September 08)

Monotoring small molecule impact on cell repair capability using lesion containing oligonucleotide microarrays
Belmont A-S, Pons B, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: DNA damge: from causes to cures (Cambridge, Angleterre, 15-17 December 08)

Identification and measurement and measurement of charge transfer induced DNA lesions: sequence and structure effects on the formation of damage
Bergeron F, Ravanat J L, Cadet J, Wagner J R, Douki T
Comm. Orale: 10th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Tokyo, Japon, 8-12 June 08)

Differential effects of UVA and H2O2 on the expression of cell defence genes in human cutaneous fibroblasts. Effects of chronic photo-expose
Bonnet-Duquennoy M, Hazane F, Pelle de Queral D, Lachmann-Weber N, Bonté F, Schnebert S, Favier A, Kurfürst R, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: International Investigative Dermatology (Kyoto, Japon, 12-17 May 08)

Exemple d'application des biopuces : étudier la réparation de l'ADN
Breton J
Comm. Orale: Journées Pédagogiques et Scientifiques de l'AE2BM (Grenoble, France, 11-12 September 08)

The chemistry of pathogen inactivation
Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: Mirasol Symposium "The MIRASOL system: A novel approach to pathogen reduction of blood products (Warsaw, Poland, 20-21 April 2008)

Radiation-induced single and clustered damage to cellular DNA
Cadet J, Belmadoui N, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: International Conference on Radiation Biology and Radiation Oncology (Jaipur, Inde, 10-12 November 08)

Single and clustered oxidatively generated damage to isolated and cellular DNA
Cadet J, Belmadoui N, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Free Radicals and Natural Products in Health (Jaipur, India, 14-16 February 08)

Oxidatively generated damage to DNA: measurement in cells
Cadet J, Douki T, J LRavanat
Comm. Invitée: Symposium "DNA Damage: Tools and Analytical Techniques" (Dublin, Irlande, 28 March 2008)

One-electron oxidation reactions of nucleobases in isolated and cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, J LRavanat, Schuster G B
Comm. Invitée: COST "Base and sugar radical reactivity in nucleic acids" (Munich, Allemagne, 14-15 March 2008)

Formation of oxidatively generated damage to cellular DNA: single and tandem lesions
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: US-EU Conference on "Repair of Endogenous Genome Damage" (Galveston, Texas, USA, 5-9 November 08)

Formation of radiation-induced damage in cellular DNA: Facts and artefacts
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: International Conference on Emerging Challenges in Science and Technology (ICECST) (Allahabad, Inde, 13-14 November 08)

Oxidatively generated damage to cellular DNA: measurement and mechanisms of formation
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: XIV Biennal Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International (Beijing, China, 18-22 October 08)

Oxidatively generated damage to DNA: measurement in cells
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: Royal Society Chemistry workshop/Advancing the Chemical Sciences "DNA Damage: Tools and Analytical Techniques" (Dublin, Ireland, 28 March 2008)

Radiation-induced damage to DNA: assessment of oxidatively generated lesions
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: 2nd International workshop in the framework of NRP 57:Non-Ionising Radiation – Health and Environment "Towards a mechanism-based framework in EMF research" (Zurich, Suisse, 5-6 May 08)

Réactions d'oxydation et de photooxydation de molécules biologiques
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L
Comm. Invitée: Colloque "Stress Oxydant" des Sociétés françaises de Photobiologie et des Radicaux Libres en Biologie (Paris, France, 18-19 August 08)

Oxidatively generated damage to cellular DNA: sensitive and accurate chromatographic assessment by chromatographic and biochemical assays
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Invitée: International HSSSRC/AIST-NIEHS/NIH Symposium: Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress in Health and Disease – BOSHD 2008 (Osaka, Japon, 16-19 January 2008)

One-electron oxidation reactions of nucleobases in isolated and cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J-L, Schuster G
Comm. Invitée: Annual meeting of the COST Network "Free Radicals in Chemical Biology" (Munich, Allemagne, 14-15 March 2008)

SPR-imaging based assays on an oligonucleotide-array to analyze DNA lesions recognition and excision by repair proteins
Corne C, Fiche J B, Cunin V, Buhot A, Fuchs J, Calemczuk R, Favier A, Livache T, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: VXIII International Roundtable on Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acid (Kyoto, Japon, 8-12 September 08)

Le glutathion, un agent protecteur majeur de l'ADN contre la formation d'adduits avec les aldéhydes issus de la peroxydation lipidique
Douki T, Falletti O, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Orale: Colloque "Stress Oxydant" des Sociétés françaises de Photobiologie et des Radicaux Libres en Biologie (Paris, France, 18-19 September 08)

Effets génotoxiques d'une exposition combinée aux HAP et au rayonnment UV
Douki T, Ksoury Z, Marie C, Ravanat J-L, Maitre A
Comm. Orale: Les hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques : de la recherche à la prévention (Montréal, Canada, 3-4 September 08)

G+C content of genomes is a key parameter for the distribution of UVB-induced bipyrimidine DNA photoproducts
Douki T, Matallana-Surget S, Meador J A, Joux F
Comm. Orale: 34th Meeting of the American Society for Photobiology (Burlingame, USA, 20-25 June 08)

Hierarchy of repair of the different cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in human skin and cultured cell
Douki T, Mouret S, Charveron M, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 34th Meeting of the American Society for Photobiology (Burlingame, USA, 20-25 June 08)

De la complexité de dommages radio-induits de l'ADN
Douki T, Ravanat J L, Bergeron F, Gasparutto D, Cadet J, Regulus P, Perrier S, Bellon S
Comm. Orale: Journées d'Etudes de la Chimie sous Rayonnement (Presqu'Ile de Giens, France, 25-29 May 08)

La spectrométrie de masse : un outil remarquable pour l'étude des dommages à l'ADN
Douki T, Ravanat J-L, Saint-Pierre S, Gasparutto D, Lebrun C, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Journée de la Société Française de Spectrométrie de masse (Grenoble, France, 8-11 September 08)

Site-specific insertion of nitroxide-spin labels into DNA probes by click chemistry for structural analyses by ELDOR spectroscopy
Flaender M, Sicoli G, Fontecave T, Mathis G, Saint-Pierre C, Gambarelli S, Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: VXIII International Roundtable on Nucleosides Nucleotides and Nucleic Acid (Kyoto, Japon, 8-12 September 08)

L’ADN synthétique : concepts et applications
Gasparutto D
Comm. Invitée: Journées de l’Observatoire des Micro- et Nano-Technologies (OMNT) sur les “Nanobiotechnologies Bioinspirées (Orsay, France, 02 June 08)

Stimulation of DNA excision repair enzyme on Caucasian dans Asian human fibroblasts by microarray technoligy
Kurfurst R, Bonnet-Duquennoy M, Debacker A, Odin F, De Queral D, Favier A, Sauvaigo S, Schnebert S
Comm. Orale: International Investigative Dermatology 2008 (Kyoto, Japon, 12-17 May 08)

Quelques exemples d'études de la réactivité des bases des acides nucléiques à l'aide des outils de la chimie quantique
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A
Comm. Orale: Plasticité et Instabilité des Génomes 4 (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 13-14 November 08)

Etude théorique d'une étape complexe de la sésamination de la cytosine
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A, Toro-Labbe A
Comm. Orale: XIème Rencontre des Chimistes Théoriciens Francophones (Dinard, France, 30/06 -4 July 08)

Mécanisme concerté asynchrone : une étape élémentaire complexe. Exemple de la désamination de la cytosine
Labet V, Morell C, Grand A, Torro-Labbé A
Comm. Poster: Journée de Printemps 2008 de la SFC section Rhône-Alpes (Grenoble, France, 5 June 08)

Differential repair of UVB-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers in cultured human skin cells and whole human skin
Mouret S, Charveron M, Favier A, Cadet J, Douki T
Comm. Poster: International Investigative Dermatology IID 2008 (Kyoto, Japon, 14-17 May 08)

Formation et réparation des dommages de l'ADN induits par le rayonnement UV dans des biopsies de peau humaine
Mouret S, Charveron M, Favier A, Cadet J, Douki T
Comm. Poster: 25ème Journées Françaies de Spectrométrie de Masse (Grenoble, France, 8-11 September 08)

Damaged-oligonucleotides biochip: a convenient means to assess the DNA repair ability of any biological sample
Pons B, Belmont A-S, Forestier A, Chapuis V, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: DNA damage: from causes to cures (Cambridge, Angleterre, 15-17 December 08)

Effet anticancéreux du sélénium : Etude de son rôle dans la réparation de l’ADN et la résistance au stress oxydant.
Rachidi W
Comm. Invitée: Journée inter-régionale du CLARA Axe III « Nutrition et cancer » (Saint-Etienne, France, 3 June 08)

The anticancer effect of selenium: study of its role in DNA repair activity and resistance to oxidative stress
Rachidi W, Diamond A, Sauvaigo S, Douki T, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 4th international conference on metals and genetics - ICMG (Paris, France, 21-24 July 08)

Characterization of DNA repair phenotypes from DNA repair deficient cell lines with a miniaturized in vitro test
Raffin A L, Millau J F, Caillat S, Claudet C, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 3èmes Journées du CLARA (Lyon, France, 18-19 March 2008)

Characterization of DNA repair phenotypes from DNA repair deficient cell lines with a miniaturized in vitro test
Raffin A N, Millau J F, Caillat S, Claudet C, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: International Investigative Dermatology (Kyoto, Japon, 14-17 May 08)

Apport de la spectrométrie de masse pour l’étude de biomarqueurs de dose efficace et d’effet
Ravanat J L
Comm. Orale: Colloque Hydrocarbures aromatiques polycycliques : de la recherche à la prévention (Montréal, Canada, 3-4 September 08)

Formation of complex DNA lesions by a single oxidation event
Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: Annual meeting COST Chemistry CM0603 “Free Radicals in Chemical Biology - (Aarhus, Danemark, 26-28 June 08)

La chimie d'oxydation de l'ADN , du nucleoside à la cellule
Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Séminaire (IBitec, Saclay, France, 15 January 2008)

Formation of tandem DNA lesions by a single oxidation event.
Ravanat J L, Bergeron F
Comm. Invitée: Séminaire au Département de médecine nucléaire et Radiobiologie - Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé (Sherbrooke, Canada, 26 September 08)

Formation of complex DNA lesions by a single oxidation event
Ravanat J L, Bergeron F, Regulus P
Comm. Invitée: 10th Internationnal Worshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Fukushima, Japon, 8-12 June 08)

Chimio-radiothérapie des tumeurs cérébrales : Etudes mécanistiques.
Ravanat J L, Bobyk L, Rousseau J, Elleaume H
Comm. Orale: Journée thématique Biologie des radiations du groupe MELUSYN « Activations d'éléments lourds et amplifications des altérations radiobiologiques (Paris, France, 12 March 2008)

Réaction de photosensibilisation de l'ADN
Ravanat J L, Cadet J, Douki T
Comm. Orale: Colloque "Stress Oxydant" des Sociétés françaises de Photobiologie et des Radicaux Libres en Biologie (Paris, France, 18-19 September 08)

Heavy-atom enhanced synchrotron stereotactic radiotherapy of brain tumors: from DNA to preclinical studies
Rousseau J, Bobyk L, Ravanat J L, Elleaume H
Comm. Poster: 36th European Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting (Tours, France, 1-4 September 08)

Etudes par spectrométrie de masse MALDI-TOF d'activités enzymatiques d'excision et de réplication des lésions de l'ADN
Saint-Pierre C, Flaender M, Michel T, Villien M, Gasparutto D
Comm. Poster: 25ème Journées Françaies de Spectrométrie de Masse (Grenoble, France, 8-11 September 08)

Pulsed ELDOR methods for detection of conformational changes into DNA structures
Sicoli G, Mathis G, Aci-Seche S, Gasparutto D, Boulard Y, Delalande O, Gambarelli S
Comm. Invitée: EUROMAR 2008 (Saint Pétersbourg, Russie, 6-11 July 08)


Etude de l'impact des phyto-oestrogène du soja sur les capacités de réparation des lésions sur l'ADN dans les cancers du sein hormono-dépendants
Arnould S, Privat M, Aubel C, Manach C, Sauvaigo S, Favier A, Bernard-Gallon D, Ferrara M, Bignon Y J
Comm. Orale: 2èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole CLARA (Grenoble, France, 19-20 March 2007)

La PrPc protège les cellules thymiques contre le stress oxydatif
Aude-Garcia C, Bertrand C, Candéias S, Jouvin-Marche E, Marche P N, Villiers C
Comm. Poster: GIS Prion (Paris, France, 5-6 July 07)

Mirasol pathogen reduction technology of white blood cells : riboflavin DNA photochemistry
Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: 13ème Congrès de la Société Française de Transfusion Sanguine (Tours, France, 3-5 July 07)

Molecular Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Belmadoui N, Regulus P, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Melusyn Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation Based Radiobiology (Saint-Aubin, France, 25-26 June 07)

Mechanisms of formation and assessment of oxidatively generated damage to DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Favier A, Gasparutto D, Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: 2nd International Congress on Nutrition OBaM (Paris, France, 11-13 April 2007)

Oxidatively generated base damage to DNA : from model systems to cell and human skin
Cadet J, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 3rd Biennal Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research-Asia (Lonavala, India, 8-11 January 2007)

Oxidatively generated damage to isolated and cellular DNA : mechanistic insights, measurement and biological features
Cadet J, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Meeting COST "Free Radicals in Chemical Biology" (Rome, Italie, 13-16 September 2007)

Modifications radio-induites simples et complexes de l'ADN : de composés modèles à la cellule
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 8ème Colloque en imagerie médicale et radiothérapie (Sherbrooke, Canada, 19 January 2007)

Oxidation reactions in cellular DNA : single and clustered damage
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 13th International Congress of Radiation Research (San Francisco, USA, 4-7 July 07)

Oxidatively generated damage in cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 3rd Meeting in Fundamental Aspects of DNA Repair (Sao Paulo, Brésil, 25-27 October 07)

Oxidatively generated damage to DNA : from model studies to the cell
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 7th CLUSTOXDNA Meeting (Plovdiv, Bulgarie, 2-6 June 07)

Radiation-induced damage to DNA : from model compounds to the cell
Cadet J, Douki T, Regulus P, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 25th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry (Bolton, Angleterre, 13-20 April 2007)

Preparation of O6 and N7 alkylated 2'-deoxyaguanosine containing oligonucleotides for the assessment of their biological features : recent results and perspectives
Cadet J, Michel T, Gasparutto D
Comm. Invitée: CEFIC DNA Research Meeting (Marseille, France, 9-10 October 07)

DNA damage induced by direct and sensitized effects of solar radiation components in isolated cells and human skin
Cadet J, Mouret S, Favier A, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: VIII Congresso Brasiliero de Mutagenese CéT (Rio de Janeiro, Brésil, 28-31 October 07)

UVB and UVA radiation-induced DNA damage in cells and human skin : formation and repair
Cadet J, Mouret S, Favier A, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: PhotoRadChem-2007 – An International Conference on Frontiers of Radiation and Photochemistry (Kottayam, Indie, 8-11 February 2007)

Genotoxic effects of UVA radiation on human cells and skin : photosensitized reactions
Cadet J, Mouret S, Ravanat J L, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 12th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Bath, Angleterre, 1-6 September 07)

Molecular damage to DNA in cells and human skin by direct and sensitized effects of solar radiation
Cadet J, Mouret S, Ravanat J L, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: International Symposium Origin and Evolution of Biosphere and Photonics of Nucleic Acids (Terskoll, Russie, 10-16 August 07)

Distinct effects of DNA-PKcs and Artemis inactivation on blunt DNA ends repair in vivo
Candéias S
Comm. Orale: DNA Repair German-French Meeting (Toulouse, France, 15-19 September 07)

Génotoxicité de la lumière solaire : identification des photoproduits de l'ADN induits par les différents types de rayonnments ultraviolets
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Laboratoire d'Electrochimie Moléculaire (Paris, France, 12 October 07)

UVA-induced DNA damage in cells: oxidative lesions and pyrimidine dimers
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: UV-Radiation induced desease - Role of UVA and UVB (Stockholm, Suède, 18-20 October 07)

Photochemistry of DNA in bacterial spores
Douki T, Cadet J, Setlow B, Setlow P
Comm. Invitée: 6th Workshop of the European Astrobiology Network Association (Lyon, France, 16-18 October 07)

Spectrum of radiation-induced DNA damage in cells
Douki T, Falletti O, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: International Conference on Radiation Research (San Fransisco, USA, 6-12 July 07)

Respective contributions of direct and indirect effects to high let heavy ions-induced DNA damage
Douki T, Ravanat J L, Pouget J P, Favier A, Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: VII CERLIB Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2007)

Que peut on attendre des antioxydants dans la prévention des cancers ; évaluation du bénéfice risque
Favier A
2èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole CLARA (Grenoble, France, 19-20 March 2007)

Ingénierie chimique des lésions de l’ADN
Gasparutto D
Comm. Invitée: 3ème Rencontres “Plasticité et Instabilité du Génome" (Saclay, France, 15-16 November 07)

L’ADN synthétique : comment et pour quelles applications ?
Gasparutto D
Comm. Invitée: Ecole d'Eté de la DSM/CEA (Giens, France, 4-8 June 07)

Nouvelles Sondes Nucléiques Bio-activables pour l’Analyse des Activités de Réparation de l’ADN
Gasparutto D
Comm. Invitée: Journée thématique du Cancéropole CLARA sur «Nouveaux outils pour l’Oncologie Cérébrale» (Lyon, France, 27 April 2007)

Nouvelles Sondes Nucléiques Fluorescentes pour l’Analyse Fonctionnelle des Systèmes de Réparation de l’ADN par FRET
Gasparutto D, Chollat-Namy A, Jary D, Peponnet C, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 2èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole CLARA (Grenoble, France, 19-20 March 2007)

O6-(2-hydroxyalkyl-2'-deoxyguanosine lesions as major epoxide adducts to DNA. Synthesis and site-specific insertion into oligonucleotides probes
Gasparutto D, Michel T, Saint-Pierre C, Reynaud S, Cadet J
Comm. Orale: MGMT and Alkylating Drug Resitance (Mayence, Allemagne, 13-16 June 07)

The Cytosine Deamination: A Theoretical Study
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Université Catolica "La Pontificia" (Santiago du Chili, Chili, 22 August 07)

A New Reactivity and Selectivity Descriptor: Theoretical Study and Applications to Some Organic Reactions
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Séminaire (CSIC, Granada, Espagne, 14 February 2007)

New Reactivity-Selectivity Descriptor. Applications to Some Organic Reactions
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (Cetraro, Italie, 04 June 07)

Formation and repair of major benzo[a]pyrene DNA adducts in cellular models
Marie C, Maître A, Guiraud P, Ravanat J L
Comm. Poster: International Congress of Toxicology (Montréal, Canada, 15-19 July 07)

COMICS project : Comet assay and cell array for fast and efficient genotoxicity testing
Mercey E, Sauvaigo S, Odin F, Fouqué B
Comm. Poster: VII International Comet Assay Workshop (Coleraine, Irlande, 24-27 June 07)

Prion protein protects against zinc-mediated cytotoxicity by modifying intracellular exchangeable zinc compartmentation in cultured cells
Rachidi W, Chimienti F, Aouffen MH, Senator A, Guiraud P, Seve M, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 3rd International FESTEM Symposium on Trace Elements and Minerals in Medicine and Biology (Santiago de Compostela, Espagne, 16-19 May 07)

Sensing radiosensitivity of human epidermal stem cells.
Rachidi W, Harfouche G, Lemaitre G, Vaigot P, Martin M T
Comm. Poster: Wolfsberg Meeting 2007 (Ermatingen, Suisse, 12-14 May 07)

Sensing radiosensitivity of human epidermal stem cells
Rachidi W, Harfouche G, Martin M
Comm. Orale: DNA Repair German-French Meeting (Toulouse, France, 15-20 September 07)

Caractérisation de profils de réparation sur biopuce excision-resynthèse : étude à partir de lignées HeLa exprimant un vecteur pEBV siRNA ou de friboblastes de patients atteints de xeroderma pigmentosum
Raffin A L, Millau J F, Caillat S, Claudet C, Biard D, Favier A, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: Septième Colloque des 3 R: Réplication - Recombinaison - Réparation (Presqu'île de Giens, France, 28-31 May 07)

Characterization of DNA repair phenotypes on excision-synthesis biochip: study from xeroderma pigmentosum fibroblasts
Raffin A L, Milllau J F, Claudet C, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Orale: DNA Repair German-French Meeting (Toulouse, France, 15-19 September 07)

Les principes généraux de la spectrométrie de masse en mode tandem et ses principaux domaines d'applications en biologie
Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Journée du comité scientifique de la Société Française de Biologie Clinique (Paris, France, 8 November 07)

Chemical detection and mechanisms of formation of tandem DNA damage
Ravanat J L, Regulus P
Comm. Invitée: 13th International Congress of Radation Research (San Francisco, USA, 8-12 July 07)

Réparation de l'ADN : quelle place comme biomarquerur en cancérologie
Sauvaigo S, Breton J, Millau J F, Caillat S, Raffin A N, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 2èmes Journées Scientifiques du Cancéropole CLARA (Grenoble, France, 19-20 March 2007)

A new strategy to identify DNA repair biomarkers using multiplex functional assays
Sauvaigo S, Raffin A N, Breton J, Caillat S, Millau J F, Candéias S, Claudet C
Comm. Poster: BioMarker World Congress (Philadelphie, USA, 15-17 May 07)

Artemis participe à la réparation des extrémités franches d’ADN in vivo
Touvrey C, Couedel C, Soulas P, Couderc R, Jasin M, Villartay J Pd, Jouvin-Marche E, Marche P N, Candéias S M
Comm. Poster: Septième Colloque des 3 R: Réplication - Recombinaison - Réparation (Presqu’île de Giens, France, 28-31 May 07)

Distinct effects of DNA-PKcs and Artemis inactivation on blunt DNA ends repair in vivo
Touvrey C, Couedel C, Soulas P, Couderc R, Jasin M, Villartay J Pd, Jouvin-Marche E, Marche P N, Candéias S M
Comm. Orale: 1st German-French Meeting DNA repair Damage signaling and Carcinogenesis (Toulouse, France, 15-19 September 07)

Mouse dendritic cells and Prpc synthesis
Villiers C, Papaioannou A, Candéias S, Aude-Garcia C, Marche P N
Comm. Poster: Prion 2007 (Edinburgh, Scotland, 26-28 September 07)


Detection of DNA lesions in human spermatozoa
Badouard C, Ménézo Y, Panteix G, Ravanat J L, Douki T, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Orale: Conference of the European Society for Human Reproduction and Embryology ESHRE (Prague, République Tchèque, 18-21 June 06)

Levels of spontaneous and radiation-induced DNA damage in human cells
Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: IRPA 2006 – Second European IRPA Congress on Radiation Protection (Paris, France, 15-19 May 06)

Modified bases and nucleosides as exposure biomarkers of cellular DNA to oxidative stress agents
Cadet J, Douki T, Favier A, Ravanat J L, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Invitée: Society for Free Radical Research (Calcutta, Inde, 15-18 January 2006)

Oxidation reactions in cellular DNA: single and clustered damage
Cadet J, Douki T, Favier A, Regulus P, Perrier S, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Biological Reactive Intermediates VII. BRIs and Human health and Disease (Tucson, USA, 4-7 January 2006)

Oxidatively generated damage to isolated and cellular DNA : an overview.
Cadet J, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Recent aspects of the radical ion chemistry of purine and pyrimidine bases in isolated and cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 20th International Symposium on Radical Ion Reactivity ISRIR 2006 (Rome, Italie, 2-6 June 06)

Symposium Chair DNA Damage and Repair, Oxidatively generated damage to cellular DNA : Formation and mechanistic aspects
Cadet J, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: 13th Biennal Conference of the Society for Free Radical Research International (Davos, Switzerland, 15-19 August 06)

Marqueurs d'exposition aux UV
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Colloque l'Association pour la Recherche en Toxicologie "Toxicologie humaine et environnementale : indicateurs d'exposition et marqueurs d'effet" (Paris, France, 15-16 June 06)

Oxidatively generated damage to DNA : from model studies to the cell
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: CLUSTOXDNA Conference (Gandia, Spain, 28/10-1 November 06)

Radiation-induced radical reactions to the guanine moieties of isolated and cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat JL
Comm. Invitée: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society (Philadelphia, USA, 4-8 November 06)

Singlet oxygen oxidation of isolated and cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L, Martinez G R, Medeiros M H G, Mascio PD
Comm. Invitée: 33rd Annual Congress of the American Society for Photobiology (Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA, 8 -12 July 06)

Molecular damage to DNA by direct and sensitized effects of solar radiation in cells and human skin
Cadet J, Mouret S, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 27th African Health Sciences Congress (Pretoria, South Africa, 5-9 December 06)

Assessment of radiation-induced damage to cellular DNA by HPLC-MS/MS and a modified comet assay
Cadet J, Ravanat J L, Sauvaigo S, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Workshop on Challenges for Modelling of Radiation Damage in Biological Systems of Cost P9 Action "Radiation Damage to biomolecules" (Bad Honnef, Germany, 17-19 October 06)

Régulation de l’apoptose radio-induite durant le développement des thymocytes
Candéias S
Comm. Orale: Plasticité et instabilité des Génomes-2 : détection des dommages et activation des points de contrôle ; comment maintenir l’intégrité génétique (Grenoble, France, 13-14 November 06)

New nucleic acid biosensors to detect and quantify DNA repair activities by a fret assay
Chollat-Namy A, Gasparutto D, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Poster: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radical (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Dommages radio-induits non ciblés de l'ADN
Douki T
Comm. Orale: 13èmes Journées d'Etude de la Chimie sous Rayonnment (Le Croisic, France, 28/05-01 June 06)

UVA-induced DNA damage in human skin cells
Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 33nd Meeting of the American Society for Photobiology (Rio Grande, Puerto Rico, USA 8-12 July 06)

Respective contributions of direct and indirect effects to high LET heavy ions-induced DNA damage
Douki T, Ravanat J L, Pouget J L, Favier A, Cadet J
Comm. Orale: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Les dommages de l'ADN induits par le rayonnment solaire
Douki T, Ravanat J L, Sauvaigo S, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 1ères journées scientifiques du Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 16-17 March 2006)

Quantification of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal adduct to glutathione and to DNA in human cells
Falletti O, Cadet J, Favier A, Douki T
Comm. Orale: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radical (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Etude des adduits du 4-HNE sur le glutathion et les bases de l’ADN par LC-MS/MS
Falletti O, Douki T, Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Séminaire à l'INSA (Lyon, France, 20 June 06)

La recherche sur les oligoéléments en France
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Journées Internationales de Biologie (Paris, France, 9 November 06)

Les antioxydants en photoprotection
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Journée Cancers cutanés P (Grenoble, France, 15 June 06)

Marqueur du stress oxydant dans les pathologies liées au vieillissement
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Journée Ecrin « Stress Oxydant » (Paris, France, 1 June 06)

Selenium in DNA protection and repair, consequences for cancer prévention
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: International Symposium on Selenium in Health and Disease (Ankara, Turquie, 11-16 October 06)

Stress oxydatifet mesure de l’activité des radicux libres
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: XXVémes Journées scientifiques Aquitaines (Bordeaux, France, 18-19 May 06)

La mesure des lésions de l'ADN : indicateur de risque carcinogène et d'effet des thérapeutiques anticancéreuses
Favier A, Douki T, Sauvaigo S, Ravanat J L, Gasparutto D, Breton J
Comm. Poster: 1ère Journée Scientifique du Cancéropole CLARA (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 16-17 March 2006)

Update, synthesis of alkylated 2'-deoxynucleosides containing oligonucleotides for the evaluation of their mutagenic features
Gasparutto D, Michel T, Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: CEFIC DNA Research Meeting (Grenoble, France, 15-16 May 06)

Modified DNA probes to investigate DNA repair enzyme substrate specificity
Gasparutto D, Michel T, Simon P, Favier A, Cadet J
Comm. Orale: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Characterization and biochemical properties of isodialuric acid and dialuric acid base lesions inserted into DNAoligomers
Gasparutto D, Simon P, Favier A, Cadet J
Comm. Orale: XVII Roundtable on Nucleosides NaNA (Bern, Suisse, 3-7 September 06)

A New Reactivity and Selectivity Descriptor : Theoretical Study and Applications to Some Organic Reactions
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: 6ème Congrès National du groupe interdivisionnaire de Chimie Computationnelle de la Société Chimique Italienne (Venise, Italie, 19 December 2006)

Theoretical Study of a New Class of DNA Bases Lesions: IntraStrand Bridging Lesions
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Séminaire à l'Université Frederico II (Naples, Italie, 16 April 2006)

Shape-memory metallorphyrins
Marchon J C, Castaings A, Pécaut J
Comm. Orale: 232nd ACS national meeting Baocwitc (San Francisco, USA, 10-14 September 06)

Mise au point de nouveaux biomarqueurs d'exposition génétoxique au benzo[a]pyrène
Marie C, Ravanat J L, Marques M, Favier A, Maitre A
Comm. Orale: 1ère Journées scientifiques du Cancéropôle Lyon Auvergne Rhône-Alpes (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 16-17 March 2006)

Measurement of DNA adducts as biomarkers of genotoxic exposure to benzo [a]pyrene using a HPLC-MS/MS method
Marie C, Vieu E, Marques M, Ravanat J L, Favier A, Maitre A
Comm. Orale: 37th Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagene Society (Prague, République Tchèque, 2-6 July 06)

A plasmid biochip for DNA repair measurement
Millau J F, Caillat S, Odin F, Favier A, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: DNA Repair from Molecular Mechanism to Human Disease (Noordwijkgrout, Hollande, 2-7 April 2006)

A plasmid biochip for DNA repair measurement, adaptation of HeLa cells to UVB irradiation
Millau J F, Caillat S, Odin F, Favier A, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

DNA repair biochip: an in vitro miniaturized and parallelized assay for the determination of DNA repar capacities in skin cells
Millau J F, oddos T, Von Stetten O, Favier A, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Orale: 67th Annual Meeting of the Society for Investigative Dermatology (Philadelphie, USA, 3-6 May 06)

Evidence for a major role of cyclobutane dimers in UVA GENOTOXICITY IN WHOLE HUMAN SKIN
Mouret S, Baudouin C, Charveron M, Favier A, Cadet J, Douki T
Comm. Poster: 36th European Society for Dermatological Research Annual Meeting ESDR (Paris, France, 7-9 September 06)

EWOD based actuation for integrating complex biological protocols (DNA repair, PCR) on lab on a chip
Peponnet C, Brachet A G, Chollat-Namy A, Jary D, Boutet J, Blervaque R, Fouillet Y, Favier A, Gasparutto D
Comm. Orale: NanoBioEurope (Grenoble, France, 14-16 June 06)

One-electron oxidation induced DNA-protein cross links
Perrier S, Ravanat J L
Comm. Orale: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Ionizing radiation effect on keratinocytes stem cells
Rachidi W, Lemaître G, Vaigot P, Martin M
Comm. Poster: 53rd Annual Meeting of the Radiation Research Society (Philadelphia, USA, 5-8 November 06)

Nouveaux outils pour étudier la chimie des lésions de l'ADN dans les cellules
Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Séminaire à l'Université Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France, 23 October 06)

Detection of reactive free radicals derived from nucleosides by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry of DMPOspon trappong adducts
Ravanat J L, Maurel V, Gambarelli S
Comm. Orale: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Detection of methylglyoxal DNA adduct by HPLC coupled to tandem mass spectrometry
Ravanat J L, Mollard L, Badouard C, Favier A
Comm. Poster: 37th Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagene Society (Prague, République Tchèque, 2-6 July 06)

Detection and characterisation of a new radiation-induced DNA lesion
Regulus P, Cadet J, Favier A, Ravanat J L
Comm. Poster: 7th Winter Research Conference on Free Radicals in Biology (Les Houches, France, 19-24 March 2006)

Radiation-induced DNA lesions: Identification of a locally multiple damage site generated subsequently to C4' hydrogen abstraction
Regulus P, Cadet J, Favier A, Ravanat J L
Comm. Orale: Radiation damage to DNA (Tekirova, Turquie, 12-18 May 06)

Model peptides based on the binding loop of the copper metallochaperone Atx1: selectivity of the consensus sequence MxCxxC for metal ions Hg(I)I, Cu(I), Cd(II), Pb(II) and Zn(II)
Rousselot-Pailley P, Sénèque O, Lebrun C, Crouzy S, Boturyn D, Dumy P, Ferrand M, Delangle P
Comm. Poster: 5th International Copper Meeting : Copper and Related Metals in Biology (Algerho, Italie, 14-19 October 06)

Intérêt de la mesure des activités de réparation de l'ADN en relation avec le cancer : développement de tests fonctionnels miniaturisés
Sauvaigo S, Millau J F, Caillat S, Communal M, De Putter C, Debaecker A, Odin F, Douki T, Ravanat J L, Favier A
Comm. Poster: Rencontres Scientifiques Canceropole Rhône-Alpes (Clermont-Ferrand, France, 2006)

Rôle du transporteur de Zinc ZnT-8 dans la physiologie de la cellule Béta pancréatique
Sève M, Chimienti F, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 5èmes Journées Scientifiques de l’Institut des Métaux en Biologie (Autrans, France, 20-21 April 2006)

Effets du cadmium sur la signalisation des dommages de l'ADN: inhibition du NHEJ et sur-activation de la voie MRE11-dépendante
Viau M, Foray N
Comm. Poster: Séminaire Toxicologie Nucléaire Environnementale (Paris, France, 5-7 December 06)


Diabetic mellitus disease: DNA lesions as biomarkers of oxidative stress
Badouard C, Douki T, Faure P, Halimi S, cadet J, Favier A, Ravanat J L
Comm. Poster: Nutrition Oxygen Biology and Medecine (Paris, France, 2-4 March 2005)

Chlorinated DNA and RNA lesions as possible biomarkers of inflammation
Badouard C, Masuda M, Nishino H, Cadet J, Ravanat J L
Comm. Poster: SFRR Annual Meeting (Leicester, Angleterre, 8-11 July 05)

Spore photoproduct lyase - Characterization of an iron-sulfur DNA repair enzyme
Berteau O, Ollagnier S, Douki T, Atta M, Fontecave M
Comm. Poster: 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Aix-les-Bains, France, 03-08 September 05)

DNA adducts in Risk Assessment
Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: HESI Workshop on Framework Approaches to Risk Assessment (Nice, France, 14-16 November 05)

DNA damage: formation and measurement
Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: HESI Workshop on "DNA Adducts: Biological Consequences and Application to Risk Assessment" (Washington, USA, 01-02 June 05)

Oxydation de l'ADN : mécanismes
Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: Journée INSERM - Société française de Biologie clinique "Le Stress oxydant et ses marqueurs" (Paris, France, 02 November 05)

Photochemistry and photobiology of biomolecules
Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Aix-les-Bains, France, 03-08 September 05)

Direct and sensitized damage induced by solar radiation to cellular DNA: formation and repair
Cadet J, Courdavault S, Ravanat J L, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: 34th Annual Meeting Congress of Brazilian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (Aguas de Lindoia, Brazil, 2-5 July 05)

Effets direct et indirect des radiations UV sur l'ADN
Cadet J, Douki T
Comm. Invitée: Journée du Club de Mutagenèse de la Société française de Toxicologie génétique - La photobiologie en pratique : Stratégie et réglementation (Paris, France, 24 May 05)

Oxidatively generated damage to DNA: new insights into the formation of clustered damage
Cadet J, Douki T, Favier A, Gasparutto D, Grand A, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: CLUSTOXDNA EU-Meeting (Munich, Allemagne, 23-26 February 2005)

Assessment of oxidatively generated damage to cellular DNA: facts and artefacts
Cadet J, Douki T, Frelon S, Pouget J P, Ravanat J L, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Invitée: International Congress on Nutrition OBaM, SFFR-France, (Paris, France, 2-4 March 2005)

Oxidatively generated damage to cellular DNA by ionizing and UVA radiations
Cadet J, Douki T, Gasparutto D, Ravanat J L, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Invitée: Royal Society Chemistry Conference "Responses to DNA damage: Insights from Chemical B, Stuctural Biology and Cellular Studies", (Brighton, Angleterre, 19-21 September 05)

Aspects moléculaires des effets des radiations ultraviolettes et ionisantes sur l'ADN cellulaire
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Ecole thématique du CNRS EXOBIO 05 "L'eau lv, la survie : des origines à nos jours", (Propriano, France, 24/09-1 October 05)

Steady-state and radiation-induced levels of oxidized bases within cellular DNA
Cadet J, Douki T, Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: IV Meeting of the South American Group of the Society for Free Radical Research (Aguas de Lindoia, Brésil, 29/06-2 July 05)

O6 and N7-alkylated guanines. Biological features
Cadet J, Michel T, Gasparutto D
Comm. Invitée: CEFIC DNA Adduct Research conference (Swansea, Angleterre, 19-20 June 05)

The zinc transporter ZnT-8 enhances insulin secretion in ins-1E cells
Chimienti F, Devergnas S, Girod-Roux P M, Favier A, Sève M
Comm. Poster: 41th EASD Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (Athènes, Grèce, 12-15 September 05)
New nucleic acid biosensors to detect and quantify DNA repair activities by a fret assay
Chollat-Namy A, Gasparutto D, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Poster: 9th International Conference on Environmental Mutagenis (San Francisco, USA, 3-10 September 05)

New nucleic acid biosensors to detect and quantify enzymatic DNA repair activities by FRET assay
Chollat-Namy A, Gasparutto D, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Poster: Nanobiotechnology III (Nice, France, 07-08 June 05)

Effets génotoxiques des UVA identifier les mécanismes pour optimiser la photoprotection
Douki T
Comm. Orale: Journée Actualités et futurs de la photoprotection (Paris, France, 6 October 05)

Formation and repair of UV-induced photoproducts in cellular DNA
Douki T
Comm. Orale: German Aerospace Center (DLR soAM (Cologne, Allemagne, 30 May 05)

Formation and repair of bipyrimidine photoproducts in mammalian cells exposed to UVB and UVA radiation
Douki T, Courdavault S, Sage E, Baudoin C, Charveron M, Favier A, Cadet J
Comm. Orale: 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Aix-les-Bains, France, 03-08 September 05)

DNA base damage induced by low and high LET radiations
Douki T, Ravanat J L, Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: 9th International Workshop on Radiation Damage to DNA (Antalya, Turquie, 13-17 May 06)

Relative contribution of indirect effect and direct ionization to radiation-induced damage to cellular DNA
Douki T, Ravanat J L, Sauvaigo S, Pouget J P, Favier A, Cadet J
Comm. Poster: 24th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry (La Londe-les-Maures, France, 10-15 September 05)

Photochemistry of DNA in spores of Bacillus subtilis
Douki T, Setlow B, Setlow P
Comm. Poster: 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Aix-les-Bains, France, 03-08 September 05)

Quantification of 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal adducts to glutathione and DNA in humans cells
Falletti O, Cadet J, Favier A, Douki T
Comm. Poster: 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Aix-les-Bains, France, 03-08 September 05)

Antioxidant and DNA damage
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Nutrition Oxygen Biology and Medicine (Paris, France, 2-4 March 2005)

DNA damages: role of zinc and cadmium
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Conference/OCC (Turin, Italie, 8-9 September 05)

Les cancers peuvent-ils être prévenus par la nutrition
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Séminaire à l'EPU du Grésivaudan (Bernin, France, 1 March 2005)

Les lésions de l'ADN
Favier A
Comm. Invitée: Ecole d'Eté DSM (Hyères, France, 6-10 June 05)

Sensing lox dose specifc gene regulations in human keratinocytes through functional genomics
Franco N, Lamartine J, Rachidi W, Frouin V, Martin M
Comm. Poster: 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society for Radiation Biology ESRB (Leicester, Angleterre, 5-8 September 05)

Nucleic acid biosensors for real-time monitoring of DNA repair actvities by FRET
Gasparutto D, Cadet J, Favier A
Comm. Poster: Chemistry of DNA and its components (Prague, République Tchèque, 03-09 September 05)

Repair and mutagenic potential of oxidation products of 8-oxoguanine and 5-hydroxyuracile
Gasparutto D, Favier A, Cadet J
Comm. Poster: DNA Instability and Repair (Taos, USA, 15-19 March 2005.)

Epoxide adducts to guanine: Synthesis and insertion into DNA oligomers
Gasparutto D, Michel T, Cadet J
Comm. Invitée: CEFIC DNA Adduct Research Meeting (Strasbourg, France, 12 April 2005)

Theoretical prediction of some metal ion affinity for DNA and RNA bases
Grand A
Comm. Invitée: Theoretical Biophysics Symposium (Örebro, Suède, 30 June 05)

Intrastrand Bridged DNA Bases: A DFT Study
Grand A, Xerri B, Barone V
Comm. Poster: DFT 2005 (Genève, Suisse, 9-12 September 05)

Intrastrand bridged DNA bases: A DFT study
Grand A, Xerri B, Morell C, Barone V
Comm. Poster: XI International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics (Genève, Suisse, 11 September 05)

Effect of (5'S-5',8-cyclo-2'-desoxyadenosine on the Conformation of Di and Trinucléotides. An Nmr and DFT Study
Karwowski B, Gaillard J, Grand A, Cadet J
Comm. Poster: XI Congress of European Sosiety for Photobiology (Aix-les-Bains, France, 08 September 05)

Synthesis of O6-hydroxyethyl-2'-deoxyguanosine adducts containing oligonucleotides for the evaluation of their mutagenic properties
Michel T, Gasparutto D, Cadet J
Comm. Orale: Symposiun on Chemistry of DNA and its components (Prague, République Tchèque, 03-09 September 05)

A plasmid biochip for DNA repair measurement, adaptation of HeLa cells to UVB irradiation
Millau J F, Caillat S, Sauvaigo S
Comm. Poster: 11th Congress of the European Society for Photobiology (Aix-les-Bains, France, 03-05 September 05)

Theoretical Support for the Use of the Dual Descriptor Δ f( r
Morell C, Grand A, Labbe AT-
Comm. Poster: DFT 2005 (Genève, Suisse, 9-12 September 05)

Revisiting the regioselectivity of some organic reactions through the use of the Df descriptor
Morell C, Grand A, Toro-Labbé A
Comm. Poster: XI International Conference on the Applications of Density Functional Theory in Chemistry and Physics (Genève, Suisse, 11 September 05)

Photo-induced guanine radical cation in short oligonucleotide is able to cross-link with lysines containing peptide
Perrier S, Hau J, Gasparutto D, Cadet J, Favier A, Ravanat J L
Comm. Orale: 24th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry (La Londe-les-Maures, France, 10-15 September 05)

Formation radio-induite de sites multi-lésés dans l'ADN
Ravanat J L
Comm. Invitée: Plasticité et Intégrité du Génome (Fontenay-aux-Roses, France, 7-8 November 05)

Detection of new radiation-induced DNA lesions
Regulus P, Cadet J, Favier A, Ravanat J L
Comm. Poster: 24th Miller Conference on Radiation Chemistry (La Londe-les-Maures, France, 10-15 September 05)

Effect of aging, sun exposure and somking on repair of H2-O2-induced DNA damge by human fibroblasts measure using comet assay
Sauvaigo S, Bonnet-Duquennoy M, Odin F, Hazane F, Lachmann N, Bonté F, Kurfurst R, Favier A
Comm. Orale: VI Comet Assay Workshop (Varsovie, Pologne, 22-24 September 05)

Exploration de la modulation de la réponse de réparation de l'ADN cellulaire par analyse fonctionnelle sur microsupport
Sauvaigo S, Millau J F, Caillat S, Douki T, Ravanat J L, Favier A, Oddos T
Comm. Orale: 2nde Journée Scientifique SIRLAF (La Tronche, France, 15 April 2005)

An in vitro miniaturized assay on support to determine DNA repair activities in cell lysates
Sauvaigo S, Millau J F, Caillat S, Favier A
Comm. Orale: 34th European Radiation Research Society Annual Meeting (Leicester, Angleterre, 5-8 September 05)

Determination of DNA repair capacities: an in vitro miniaturized and parallelized assay
Sauvaigo S, Millau J F, Caillat S, Oddos T, Favier A
Comm. Orale: Nanobiotech III (Nice, France, 30 March-01 April 2005)