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Subject of the thesis

Structured Soft-Matter based materials for electrochemical storage

Published on 19 June 2024
Position summary
This is a full-time temporary employment, and the position is limited to a maximum of three years. The PhD position is immediately available.

Eligibility criteria
We are looking for a talented and motivated colleague willing to contribute to a project of the PEPR Batteries focused on the development and the properties (electrochemical, structure, spectroscopy behaviours, etc.) of functional (notably electronically/ionically conducting) soft-matter materials to use them in State-of-the-Art Li-ion batteries, and focused on the relationship between multiscale structure and ionic/electronic transport in soft matter.
The PhD candidate is required to hold a Master degree in (Electro-)Chemistry, Materials Science, Physics or another relevant discipline dealing with functional soft matter. A previous experience in the (polymer) synthesis, electrochemistry and/or multiscale structure (SAXS/WAXD)/property (ionic or electronic conductivity) correlations of functional materials being especially appreciated. This project is mainly experimental and based on:
- the use of diverse techniques such as electrochemical methods (impedance spectroscopy, voltammetry, stationary and potentiometric measurements),
- SAXS/WAXS, NMR spectroscopy,
- (diffusion) NMR, thermal analysis,
- and spectroscopy techniques,
- large-scale facilities (EBS-ESRF, ILL).
A demonstrated ability to perform independent work across borders of chemistry and physics of functional soft maters, and excellent communication and writing (English) skills are equally important criteria with respect to academic qualifications and scientific merit for the selection of the PhD candidate. The successful candidate is truly interested in hard laboratory work, is not afraid to face new challenges, is personally mature, and is strongly motivated and self-driven. The friendly environment of SyMMES provides a number of different theoretical skills and experimental expertise as well as it gathers many young and engaged research leaders.

Major responsibilities
The PhD is expected to actively drive forward a project focused on the transport mechanism and structure in functional soft matter. This project is mainly experimental and based on the use of diverse techniques such as impedance spectroscopy, SAXS/WAXS, (diffusion) NMR and thermal analysis, and large-scale facilities will also be explored. The student must therefore be able to tackle a diversity of methods and approaches. Along with performing experiments and analyzing data, the candidate will also be responsible for communicating clearly and regularly the progress of the work, contributing to relevant national and international conferences, and writing high-quality scientific papers. The student will also have to follow courses as part of the education. It is important to recognize that this position gives merits for future research activities within the academia or in the industrial/public sector.

Work Context
The UMR5819-SYMMES lab, the joint research unit (JRU) N°5819 supported by CNRS, CEA and UGA (Univ. Grenoble Alpes), brings its internationally recognized transdisciplinary (STEP team: (Electro)Chemistry, physics, multiscale structure/property correlations through ex situ, in situ and operando X-ray and neutron characterizations) expertise in developing basic research and key-enabling technologies on themes linked with societal issues, such as zero-carbon energy (in particular energy generation, conversion and storage in reply to UN's SDG N°7: Batteries and (micro)supercapacitors), information and communications technology (ICT), biotechnology and human health.
The friendly environment of SyMMES provides a number of different theoretical skills and experimental expertise as well as it gathers many young and engaged research leaders. The position is located in a sector under the protection of scientific and technical potential (PPST), and therefore requires, in accordance with the regulations, that your arrival is authorized by the competent authority of the MESR.

Selection process
The deadline for application is July 30, 2024. We encourage candidates to apply as soon as possible. The search for candidates will continue until the position is filled. Applicants should provide an e-application file combining a curriculum vita, a letter of motivation (1-3 pages where you introduce yourself and present your qualifications. Previous research fields and main research results. Future goals and research focus. Are there any specific projects and research issues you are primarily interested in?), a summary of their research experience, and a list of publications. A single pdf should be addressed to Dr. Manuel Maréchal. The applicants should arrange that at least two reference letters are sent directly to the contact address above.

Skills required 
1) Organic Chemistry of functional materials
2) Electrochemistry of electrolytes (dielectric/impedance spectroscopy, electrochemical characterizations)
3) Neutron and/or X-Ray scatterings
4) Soft Matter knowledge

Level of French required: B1 (intermediate)
Level of English required: C2 (proficiency)
Opportunity to make your thesis in English

PhD Supervisor

CNRS researcher, PhD/HDR

Materials Chemistry, Materials Science, Energy, Soft Matter; Electrochemistry

UMR5819-SyMMES (CEA/CNRS/Univ. Grenoble Alpes), Systèmes Moléculaires et nanoMatériaux pour l'Energie et la Santé

Host institution
COMUE-UGA: Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes
CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique/French National Centre for Scientific Research

Doctoral school
IMEP2: Engineering - Materials - Environment - Energetics - Procedures - Production - ED N°510

Annual tuition fee
400 € / year

ID Offer

Funding Offer
Funding type: ANR (National Agency of Research)/PhD Fellowship dedicated to PEPR Batteries
Funding amount: 2135 € gross / month

Application deadline: July​ 30, 2024
Duration: 36 months
Start date: October 2024