Thesis presented October 23, 2014
Abstract: Aptamers are single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) or RNA molecules capable of binding to target molecules, including proteins, metal ions and drugs. Because of their specific binding abilities and many advantages over antibodies (higher stability, lower cost, easy chemical modification…), they provide a great opportunity to produce sensing surfaces for effective and selective detection of small molecules. Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging (SPRi) has become one of the most widely used label-free method for the study of biorecognition events on sensor surfaces. This technique provides a rapid approach, however, limited by low refractive index changes occurring when small molecules (<2000 Da) are captured on the sensor. Whereas significant reflectivity variation is observed upon the interaction of large molecules like proteins with the sensing interface, for small molecules targets such adenosine, the reflectivity variation is often too small to be detected by SPRi. Thereby, only few studies have been reported so far on SPRi-based biosensor for small molecules detection using aptamers. In this work, we developed two bioassay strategies for the detection of a model small molecule, adenosine, using Surface Plasmon Resonance imaging. The first one combines the SPRi signal enhancement effect induced by gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) with the advantage of using engineered DNA aptamers. The experimental results have demonstrated that the presence of gold nanoparticles and adenosine, which works as a molecular linker between engineered aptamer fragments, can significantly increase the SPRi response. The second strategy is based on the thermodynamics of binding between adenosine and its aptamer. To that end, SPRi technique was coupled with rigorous temperature control and aptamer duplex stability was monitored (affected by target binding) by quantification of melting transitions. Our results initiate a new approach for small molecule detection using SPRi with the aim to validate future prospects for integration in parallelized platform.
Keywords: Aptamers, Small molecules, Gold Nanoparticles, Aptasensor, Melting curves
On-line thesis.